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Gemini eclipse & suicide of twins in Brussels

A hospital in the Belgian capital Brussels has helped identical twin brothers to die by lethal injection, reopening the debate on euthanasia. Doctors said it was not just because the twins were deaf and blind that they had a right to die, but also due to the bond that existed between them, and the fact they could not bear being unable to communicate with each other.

An eclipse is considered important for a place if it occurs on the horizon or meridian axis. The May 21, 2012 eclipse for Brussels is exactly on the IC [nadir] of the chart and therefore extremely significant for the place.

The solar eclipse [0ge21; +20d39] in  Gemini (the sign of Twins)  was conjunct Alcyone [0ge10]  in longitude and Zosma [+20d27] in declination.  

Alcyone, "The Central One", is the main star and also the largest star of the Pleiades or Seven Sisters.  Dr. Eric Morse  writes “Pleiades causes bereavement, mourning, sorrows and tragedies”. While Robson reports that Alcyone “causes blindness” and Elsbeth Bertin associates Zosma with “inclination to melancholic moods”.

The eclipse was square Mars-Neptune. In a previous post [1]  I have shown how this led to suicide following mental depression.

The Ascendant [1aq39] is conjunct the stars of Aquila, the eagle [Alpha (α) Aquila, beta (β) Alshain  and Gamma (γ) Aquila, Tarazed]  . In India, these are the stars of Sravana, the mansion of Vishnu. Sravana symbolizes hearing, listening, learning, teacher and pupil, oral tradition and flowing and is associated with  “the Ear”.

The MC [2sg12] of the eclipse chart is conjunct Yed Prior [2sg29], the left hand of the serpent holder, which was part of the ancient Euphratean ‘Man of Death’ asterism.

In a previous post the same eclipse [1] was associated with  another suicide  as a way out of a serious mental depression. There a doctor committed doctors aided in a suicide! There I wrote:

Looking at the eclipse chart a little more in detail, we notice that it the eclipse Sun-Moon form the apex of a T-square with Mars-Neptune. Sun is conjunct the asteroid Circe (helper) and Mars is conjunct asteroid Psyche (mental trauma) while Neptune is conjunct asteroid Hygiea (health issues)

The crisis implied in an eclipse chart is brought out with full force when , in the course of the year, the progressed angles conjoin the eclipse again. As can be seen from the progressed eclipse chart below this is exactly what happened on Jan 16, 2012, the date of the news item.

[1] Peter Linnerooth and the star Algol.
