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Astrology of the discovery of King Richard III

A skeleton found beneath a Leicester car park has been confirmed as that of English king Richard III. Experts from the University of Leicester said DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the monarch's family. Lead archaeologist Richard Buckley, from the University of Leicester, told a press conference to applause: "Beyond reasonable doubt it's Richard." Richard, killed in battle in 1485, will be reinterred in Leicester Cathedral.

Richard III was born 2 Oct 1452; 9:02 am LMT, Oundle, England.  His horoscope is given by astrologer Jessica Adams [1].  Shown above is the King’s progressed solar return chart for 4 Feb 2013, the date  of the above news item. The Grand Trine of Kronos-Hades-Saturn-Neptune is tied to the Ascendant. The meaning of the elements of the Grand Trine are:

Kronos-Hades: Awareness of famous historical character [2]
Neptune at 1pi is conjunct the ancient Chiense asterismWei. This asterism presides over tombs and graves [3]
Saturn in Scorpio on Ascendant also unearths the past.

On 4th February  transit Mars was conjunct Neptune in the asterism Wei. All the pieces were in place for the discovery of the tomb of a famous historical person.

[2] Orders of Light, Martha-Lang Wescott, p106
[3] Secerets of the Ancient Skies Diana Rosenberg [v1, p757]

