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Mizar and the Caribbean undersea volcanic vents

UK scientists exploring the ocean floor in the Caribbean have discovered an "astounding" set of hydrothermal vents, the deepest anywhere in the world. What are believed to be the world's deepest undersea volcanic vents have been discovered in the Caribbean. The vents, known as black smokers, were located 5,000m (3.1 miles) down in the Cayman Trough. The volcanic chimneys, which spew out water hot enough to melt lead, were caught on film by a British-led team. Marine biologist Dr Jon Copley said: "Seeing the world's deepest black-smoker vents looming out of the darkness was awe-inspiring." He added: "Super-heated water was gushing out of their two-storey-high mineral spires, more than three miles beneath the waves." The water being blasted from the newly-found vents (Feb 20, 2013)  was measured at 401 C, making this set among the hottest on the planet.[1]

Shown above is chart for the solar eclipse of May 20, 2012 for the Cayman Trough. Notice that the eclipse is significantly placed on the descendant with Mars  opposite Neptune on the  meridian axis. Neptune is in Pisces (ocean) and Mars (heat source) is conjunct Zosma (hot gases).

 Mizar (15vi) of the Great Bear, Zeta Ursa Major, is the overseeing and predominant star of this area of the zodiak. Mizar articulates raw fiery energy.  Theta Antilia, (10vi07) the air pump, produces the hot air fueling the fire and swirling the obscuring smoke. Lambda Hydra (9vi32) is associated with toxins. Denebola along with  Zosma and Chort, which form the hind of the lion,  is  of colon physiology and intestinal toxicity [2][3]. (i.e. intestinal gases released from the hind quarters of the lion).

What  perfect imagery for the hydrothermal volcanic  vents pumping out hot toxic gases!

Progressing the eclipse chart to Feb 20, 2013; brings the T-square of  Mars-Sun-Neptune to the angles  triggering the eclipse.

It is reported  that “Gold, silver, copper and zinc are all present in the mineral-rich emissions of the vent systems and recent advances in deep-sea oil exploration are giving miners the chance to exploit these areas for the first time”. Notice Pluto (9cp) forming a inconjunct aspect to Moon (9ge) on the MC (9ge) the position of transiting Jupiter (7ge) that has stationed direct on  Jan 30.  Pluto is the ruler of treasures buried underground and of course Jupiter is abundance so that this discovery is opening a new chapter in the exploitation of undersea wealth.

The chart for the last New Moon of Feb 10 at the location of the undersea vent has its MC [16Vi29] conjunct the star Mizar [15vi54]. Transit Mars [16pi] conjoined the IC on Feb 20.
