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Astrology of Cyprus’ imminent bankruptcy

The Cypriot parliament rejected a planned levy on bank deposits on Tuesday, throwing a European bailout plan for the tiny economy into disarray. The vote was overwhelming, 36 with against and 19 abstentions, and brings Cyprus to the brink of financial collapse.

Here is an extract from a previous post on the US 'fiscal cliff'. Readers will see that entire quote applies to Cyprus too for reasons given below.

This Lunar Eclipse  (of  Nov. 28,2012) brings realization to our Beta Centauri Lunar Cycle. It reveals the need to step forth as leaders and pioneers while standing in the midst of chaos and the diversionary conditions of human life. It brings attention to the physical infrastructures in our lives and if and how they are supporting our fundamental  physical needs. It reveals our need to take the action in self-mastery to manifest the visions we hold for our lives. One of the most common things forgotten of Taurus is the need to take action, without it, our visions do not manifest and we remain entrapped in the chaos and confusion of stormy Hyades. Physical action is essential.

The above description from Nick Fiorenza quite aptly describes the crisis facing the US being called the ‘fiscal cliff’ and the challenge facing the leadership.

Shown here are two charts (a) the horoscope for the Lunar Eclipse of November 28, 2012 at Nicosia, Cyprus (b) the same chart progressed to March 19, when the parliament rejected the bailout conditions. Notice that the Lunar Eclipse chart is prominent for the place since it, along with its prominent yod,  aspects the angles much in the same way as in the US fiscal cliff post above. On March 19, the progressed meridian once again triggers the yod and the eclipse. A yod that is activated is very much like arriving at a fork in the road and having to take one or another path. This is not a matter of conscious or deliberate decision but instead is one due to unrecognised necessity.
