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Olivier Metzner loses battle with Serpens

One of France's best-known criminal lawyers, Olivier Metzner, has been found dead.
His body was found floating off his private island in Brittany. A note was found at his home and an investigation has been opened, with police treating the case as suicide. Mr Metzner was one of a handful of star lawyers in France, who between them have dominated the great court cases of the last two decades, says the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris.

In the last few posts I have dealt extensively with several events that I attributed to the 20th May 2012 eclipse which was placed  at 0ge21 (star Atiks of Perseus the rescuer) conjunct Jupiter (24ta56) which in turn was conjunct the star Algol…. Mars is conjunct the star  Zosma on the Lion's rump, near the tail of the Lion. Both Robson and Ebertin associate Zosma with “melancholy and unhappiness of mind”…Looking at the eclipse chart a little more in detail, we notice that it the eclipse Sun-Moon form the apex of a T-square with Mars-Neptune. Sun is conjunct the asteroid Circe (helper) and Mars is conjunct asteroid Psyche (mental trauma) while Neptune is conjunct asteroid Hygiea (health issues).

The above is an extract from a previous post:

Eclipses have a strange way of repeating their central theme in several unrelated events just so that we get their message.

The solar eclipse of May 20, 2012 drawn for Paris  is placed exactly on the IC and therefore very significant for the place. Progressing the eclipse to March 17, 2013 brings it to the descendant triggering the event.

In the eclipse chart the MC and the North Node are conjunct the stars of the healer Ophiuchus, the Serpent-Bearer. He is shown handling or struggling  with Serpens while stepping on the Scorpion of Death. His struggle with the serpent is eternal. Sometimes he overpowers the serpent and sometimes the serpent kills him.

Notice 1sa11 on  Ascendant of the progressed chart.  This is conjunct Delta (δ) Ophiuchus, Yed Prior,  a deep yellow star in the left hand of the Serpent Bearer also called the Hand of Death. [ Metzner’s radix Sun (22nd Nov 1946) and the MC of the eclipse chart are also placed right here!]

The emotional impact of client material on a helper is an experience which dogs many practitioners. Jung refers to such experiences as psychic infections, connecting them to the old idea of the demon of sickness whereby a sufferer can transmit his disease to a healthy person whose powers  must then subdue the demon. If, however, the healer himself is weak he is liable to be infected by the demon with serious consequences.

Is the eclipse warning us that helpers cannot  remain disinterested spectators or that we as a society need to understand the gravity of our collective illness. Perhaps things are so bad that helpers need help too!

