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Star Aldebaran and the Church’s fall from grace

The Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles is to pay out nearly $10m (£6.7m) to settle four cases of sexual abuse by a former priest, Father Michael Baker. Recently released files show Cardinal Roger Mahony knew the priest had abused but put him back into ministry, where he is alleged to have abused again. The settlement comes as the cardinals of the Catholic Church are meeting to select a new pope following the abdication of Benedict XVI

This news item can be understood in the light of the lunar eclipse of Nov. 28, 2012 at Los Angeles. Notice that the luminaries are on the horizon indicating by the rules of mundane astrology that this eclipse had an important message for the place. Since the eclipse was conjunct Prima Hyadum, the issues known to be ruled by that star were highlighted.

Gamma (γ) Taurus, Prima Hyadum, is the chief star of the Hyades; six stars situated on the face of the Bull.

Staggering increase in sexual urge, a dissolute life, excessive and licentious ways. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.28.]

But then the eclipse was also a part of a Yod that  was demanding changes especially since the  Church  had remained in denial. We will see from the progress chart of the eclipse (below) that this acceptance ( which came through a public disgrace in the form of a legal settlement) took place  on the very day it was activated.

Readers may like to revisit several previous posts on the Jupiter-Saturn-Pluto yod that has been active since November. Since Jupiter in the yod is conjunct the star Aldebaran, Nick Fiorenza has pointed out that this represents a challenge to those in authority to provide a truly nurturing and caring environment for the people failing which theremay be a fall from grace. Aldebaran is known as one of ancient Persian royal stars that offers opportunity for worldly honours but with a grave danger of a fall from grace or power if the authority is misused. In a previous post I mentioned that it is no coincidence that the Cyrus cylinder is in the news. This cylinder carries a promise by the  great King Cyrus  of Persia that people in all his kingdom would be looked after and allowed a freedom unknown in those days.

Shown above is progressed eclipse chart for Mar. 13, the date of the news. Notice that the progressed descendant of the chart is 22Sc triggering the yod , just past Venus-Saturn and conjoining Deucalion (22sc06) and TNP Poseidon (20sc29). Poseidon is well known to Uranian astrologers as a TNP associated with religion  Philip Sedgwick associates  Deucalion with a need for destruction before regeneration when things have become really bad [2]. Interestingly at 22sc we have the star Acrux – the Cross that is directly associated with the Church and Christianity.

[1] Soul of the Sky, Philip Sedgwick (p.320)

Note: [added 14 Mar 2013]

The new pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio  was born on 17 December 1936  in Buenos Aires. His progressed Sun [12pi40] is moving towards a conjunction to radix Saturn [16pi29] and the star Achernar [14pi23]

Alpha (α) Eridanus, Achernar, is a white star situated in the mouth of the River.

Well-placed, it promises happiness and success by giving good morals, faithful adherence to one's religious beliefs or philosophical inclinations. According to tradition, Achernar is credited with bestowing high offices in the church, especially if conjunct with Jupiter. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.80.]
