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Stars behind Obama’s evolution on gay marriage

Ganymede by Rubens

“Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law – for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well”. Obama

From the Supreme Court Thursday came President Barack Obama’s latest evolution on gay marriage. Obama’s Solicitor General Donald Verrilli submitted an amicus brief to the court urging the justices to guarantee marriage rights to gays in the eight states that currently have civil unions, rather than pushing for those rights in every state nationwide.

Shown above is Obama’s Wynn Key Return for March 1. Notice Saturn on the IC forming a sextile to Pluto and trine to the Sun. The Sun  is conjunct the stars of sidereal Aquarius. It is interesting that in Greek mythology Aquarius was Ganymede.

In Greek mythology, Ganymede (Greek: Γανυμήδης, Ganymēdēs) is a divine hero whose homeland was Troy. In the best-known myth, he is abducted by Zeus, in the form of an eagle, to serve as cup-bearer in Olympus. The myth was a model for the Greek social custom of paiderastía, the socially acceptable erotic relationship between a man and a youth.

Plato accounts for the pederastic aspect of the myth by attributing its origin to Crete, where the social custom of paiderastía was supposed to have originated (see "Cretan pederasty"). He has Socrates deny that Ganymede was the "catamite" of Zeus, and say the god loved him non-sexually for his psychē, "mind" or "soul," giving the etymology of his name as ganu-, "taking pleasure," and mēd-, "mind." Ganymede, he points out, was the only one of Zeus's lovers who was granted immortality.
In poetry, Ganymede became a symbol for the beautiful young male who attracted homosexual desire and love. Wikipedia

Saturn (11sc25) is conjunct Alphecca of Corona Borealis

Alphecca is noted for conveying honor, dignity and artistic ability. But like all Venusian stars it can also have its undesirable effects. Medieval astrologers, who tended to emphasize the more perverse side of astrology, asserted that Alphecca rising indicates a life spent in a variety of pleasurable pursuits by an individual who decked his body with adornments, secretly engaged in love affairs or adultery and who "bedded boys and girls" according to Firmicus Maternus. If the star is setting, disgrace will come of all this. [Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p10.]

But it is really Pluto at the centre of Sun-Saturn trine that gives us a clue to why changes in the law are taking place.

Saturn is the social convention, religious tradition, and moral law. While Pluto represents the  instincts and the primal libido. It is the Dionysian energy of life that  destroys if not allowed to  resurrect. The trine and sextile  indicate a harmonious  interaction between the two planetary archetypes, in which the two principles or forms of energy that they represent  tend to flow together in an easy manner.
Therefore,  the time is right for change in the law that incorporates the instincts.


What is a Wynn-Key Return Chart?

This chart is calculated with the planetary positions for the date for which the Wynn-Key chart is required, but the chart angles are based on the preceding and following Solar return chart angles. The R.A. of the midheaven is determined by interpolating between the R.A.s of the two Solar Returns (which are typically about 6 hours apart), based on the proportion of time that has elapsed between them at the required date.

Astrologers also look at the planets of the Solar Return Chart that  the Wynn Key Return angles touch on a particular date in the year to provide additional meaning.

Obama’s solar return (4 Aug 2012; 03:03 AHST; Honolulu) has Sun (13le); asteroids Sappho (16le) and Hera (15le) so that the Wynn Key Return Ascendant (15le)  for 1 March is conjunct these entities.

Sappho-Hera: Gay marriage
