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Stars of the Large Hadron Collider

GENEVA — The search is all but over for a subatomic particle that is a crucial building block of the universe. Physicists announced Thursday they believe they have discovered the subatomic particle predicted nearly a half-century ago, which will go a long way toward explaining what gives electrons and all matter in the universe size and shape.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which is at centre of the experiments,  is the world's largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, and considered "one of the great engineering milestones of mankind".

The first beam was circulated through the collider on the morning of 10 September 2008  at 10:28 local time. We notice from the chart that Mercury-Mars were conjunct and rising at 15li along with Venus (13li10) and TNP Zeus (11li03) The Sabian symbol [1]  for this degree (15li) is CIRCULAR PATHS – an uncanny image of the actual collider which is essentially a circular path!  The star Gienah [10li55] in the Crow’s wing was a part of T’ien-Tche in China – the Celestial Chariot  and represented wind and high speed travel. It was also called Tchang-Cha, the Track of Dust.  For the ancient Chaldeans  it was In-dugud-Khu, the Great Storm Bird -  close enough  images to high speed particle beams in the accelerator as the ancients could get.

On the MC is TNP Vulcanus conjunct the star Procyon, alpha Canis Minor.

It is truly the Hound of Heaven. “Seek and ye shall find” should be the motto here, for these are people who will spend their lives in a search for God, for reasons, meanings and universal understanding, lost or hidden knowledge, alternate dimensions. [2]

From Diana Rosenberg’s account of Procyon [25cn52] we get a picture of the scientists pursuing the god particle at the CERN. Also here are 85 Geminorium and Chi Geminorium, stars of Pollux – the evil (immortal) twin to Castor  (the good or mortal twin) – a beautiful symbol that contrasts ‘dark matter’ with ‘normal matter’ as we know it.

Diana Rosenberg also points out that the raven is an alchemical symbol of blackening [3] and mortification (the nigredo) or first stage of matter and conditions produced by separating out the elements. In depictions of the Fall, the raven often appeared on the Tree of Knowledge from which Eve picked the fruit.

[1] The Sabian Symbols Libra 1-15;
[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana Rosenberg (v1. p.441)
[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana Rosenberg (v2. p.63)
