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Winter Ingress Yod activates bank paycuts

Last Sunday, 68% of Swiss voters accepted a groundbreaking proposal that would require shareholders to approve the pay of executives and board members of public companies. The result of the controversial nationwide referendum reverberated around the world because it set radical new rules for  corporate governance that could spill over to other countries. [1]


The Winter Ingress Yod was discussed in two previous posts that readers may like to revisit to see its connection to (a) a need for fiscal discipline in general and (b)  banks in particular.


 Extracts are  reproduced below: 

Of special significance is the Saturn-Pluto-Jupiter Yod that began to form in the previous November 13, 2012 lunar cycle,  (referring to the winter ingress chart) with Venus activating the Yod as she moves to the midpoint of the Saturn-Pluto sextile and lies opposite Jupiter—activating the prominent Antares-Aldebaran axis. Venus-Jupiter opposition can impel an  over-indulgence ….Pluto’s influence is one of piercing the veils of illusion and the false beliefs we adhere to….(there is ) need to  take a stand against the established conditions …against the established order or authority directing our lives when those conditions or that authority are no longer in our best interest nor supporting our evolutionary freedom and fulfilment.[2]

Readers familiar with the Yod configuration in astrology may like to look at the star placements for the set of planets that form sextile in the figure. Venus [6sc21] and Saturn [8sc07] are conjunct the stars of the Chinese asterism Koan-So, The Money String or just a string of coins while Mars [8cp11] and Pluto [8cp45] was part of Tien-Yo . This asterism presided over locks or metal strong boxes [3]…[It doesn’t take too much imagination to see the combination as a perfect symbol of a bank!]

In his December Lunar Planner, Nick Fiorenza [4] interprets the influence  of  Makemake, (newly discovered) which is square the solstice Sun:

Makemake appears to bring attention to leadership issues regarding the administration of resources; and in areas involving economics and finance. It may also impel strategic planning and enterprising action to create environmental conditions that ensure a healthy, prosperous and abundant life for groups or for the people in general. Makemake may also act to sort out those who are truly worthy of being in a leadership role from those who are not.

Finally shown above is the  winter ingress chart progressed to Mar 3, 2013 the date of the news item. Notice that the Yod is activated with the progressed descendant conjoining Pluto. In addition the TNPs Kronos-Hades are on the Ascendant [5]. 

Hades-Kronos: To see disgust with leadership

Kronos-Pluto: Events show that attempts to set procedures arise from resentment

Pluto-Hades: To see  criminal activity in the world of finance and big business; to see changes that are not for the better but that bring a decline 

[3] Stormy ‘Hyades’ & the SBI Kolkata incident


[5] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang-Wescott
