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Rewiring Cetus’ head for appetite control

Appetite control could be rewired, say researchers.
The University of East Anglia researchers say their find means appetite is not fixed at birth. Their study is published in the Journal of Neuroscience. It was previously thought that nerve cells in the brain associated with appetite regulation were generated entirely during an embryo's development in the womb and could not be altered. But the UEA study's discovery of these tanycytes, which act like stem cells, in the brains of young and adult rodents shows that appetite can be modified.

The Society for Neuroscience (SfN) is a professional society, headquartered in Washington, D.C., for basic scientists and physicians around the world whose research is focused on the study of the brain and nervous system. It was incorporated as a society on July 11, 1969 at Washington,D.C. [1]

It may come as a surprise to readers that the date of  foundation or incorporation of a scientific society can  not only be treated as its horoscope but that subsequent progressions[4] and transits to radix planets can reveal both the nature and timing of  scientific breakthrough that the society members might make.

Shown above is the noon horoscope for The Society for Neuroscience (SfN). As the radix Sun is always the most important planet to consider, notice that its position at 19cn09 is conjunct the stars Mirza [gamma Canis Major] in the dog’s head and Castor [alpha Geminorium] in the head of the Twin [2]. Diana Rosenberg in her pioneering work on Fixed Stars has shown how planets in a horoscope conjunct star images can refer to relevant sections of our bodies. By extension here we have a society that was founded to study matters connected with the head or brain!  P422

The medical specialty of neurology studies the causes of nervous system malfunction, and looks for interventions that can prevent it or treat it. The society’s progressed Sun [0vi56] has just moved into tropical Virgo. To see Virgo’s connection to food and cereals just look at the picture of the Virgin holding a sheaf of corn in her hand. The sign of Virgo also rules the nervous system and the intestines[3]. The intestines assimilate food into the body.

But then the progression [4] of the Sun into Virgo was like the hour hand of the clock. Is there a faster moving transit right now acting as a minute hand, so to speak, that triggered the scientific discovery reported in the news?  And the answer to that is ‘yes’. If we look at the square between Ceres[8aq] – Psyche [12aq]  and Saturn [8ta]  in the radix chart we notice that the current Saturn transit [9sc] is aspecting both forming a T-square. Astrologers recognize that all Saturn transits have a peculiar quality of manifesting or giving shape to dormant potential. Martha Wescott  interprets the meaning of Ceres-Psyche [5] as follows:

To see how neurology affects food habits ; understanding that what you eat  may be affected by feelings of stress or  unhappiness.

Conjunct the radix Saturn is Al Kaff al Jidhmah, in the head of Cetus, the sea monster. This monster is the archetype of the deepest, most threatening chasms of the psyche. It is the anti-thesis of the hero and embodies our fears that hold us back from reaching our highest potential. The head of Cetus refers to the fact that this fear is hard-wired into our neurology.

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.422)
[5] Delineate V2; Martha-Lang Wescott

P.S. The chart for SfN has Sun square [Cupido/Poseidon]. Cupido is a TNP that rules group or societies while Poseidon is about ‘psychic vibrations’ - with Sun on Castor on the head of the Twin, this a fairly good combination to describe a society founded for neurological research.
