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Fixed stars of Edward Snowden

To understand the motivation behind Edward Snowden’s disclosures we start by looking at his current solar arc progressed directions. Readers new to astrology can look up reference [1] to understand how solar arc progressions work. The table below gives Snowden’s current solar arcs. Solar arc progressions of the Sun are considered valid for at least two years around date of exactness.


 Edward Snowden - Natal Chart
 21 Jun 1983, 04:42, EDT +4:00
 Elizabeth City NC, 36°N18'07'', 076°W13'25''
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns (Current)

Sun (2)  Sqr       Plu (5)   (X)        Sa-Na   26 Mar 2012                  26°Cn47' D        26°Li47' R
Sun (2)  Sqr       Sat (5)  (X)        Sa-Na   23 Apr 2013                  27°Cn48' D        27°Li48' R
Sun (2)  Qnx      Nep (7)(X)         Sa-Na   25 Apr 2013                  27°Cn49' D        27°Sg49' R

*** END REPORT ***

The most significant thing to observe is that the Sun which was in a natal trine aspect to Saturn-Pluto has in his  thirtieth year come to a square triggering the potential of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.  To fully understand the potential in this conjunction I refer readers to Nick Fiorenza’s excellent account [2] of the fixed stars that define the Saturn-Pluto synod.  I quote only a few lines from Nick that should hopefully whet readers appetite to read the full version to see how the symbolic explanation applies to the current context:

The first half of sidereal Libra, which I dub "Under the Skirt of the Virgin," is about cover-ups, about the veiled or hidden truth regarding the intimate balance that is essential between the feminine and masculine principles. It also implies political-religious role in this obscuration of truth--whether deliberately created by the political-religious powers that be, or simply being inherent due to how religious belief structures have evolved over time.

Bootes, the protector and shepherd who stands over the Virgin, embraces the responsibility to provide a safe environment for the Virgin, for the birth, evolution, and evolutionary fulfillment of souls. In one articulation of the Bootes-Virgin theme, we have a dramatic, threatening and destructive scenario created by political-religious authoritarian powers that motivate the twosome away in a pilgrimage to find a safe and appropriate place for a new birth. Pluto and Saturn initiate a dismantling or destruction of long-standing established religious-political constructs and systems of belief that maintain the imbalance between the masculine and feminine and the subsequent discord in our relationship to the environment and life that imbalance creates.
