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Astrology of the trial of Bo Xilai

The trial of Bo Xilai, the disgraced Chinese politician once tipped for the highest levels of power, has begun in the city of Jinan. Mr Bo, who has not been seen in public for 18 months, is charged with bribery, corruption and abuse of power.
Formerly the Communist Party leader in Chongqing, he has since been stripped of official roles in a scandal that has seen his wife and police chief jailed.

The  Sun’s ingress into the cardinal signs is a very important tool in mundane astrology [1]. Here we see that the sidereal Cancer Ingress at Beijing is very significant with a Grand Cross in cardinal houses.  In addition, the stellium of planets Mars,Jupiter, Kronos, Hades squares the meridian. On the MC is the newly discovered planet Makemake.

Hades-Kronos: to see humiliation through loss of position; to be aware of criminal activity [2]

Pluto-Kronos: to be aware that prominent persons (including leaders in government)  are under substantial pressure [2]

Pluto-Uranus: power struggles within groups [2]


Makemake's role appears to be one associated with the use of   financial resources  to create an economic environment that supports the healthy evolution of all human beings  rather than for personal gain. [3]

Progressing the chart to 22 August, the date of the start of the trial, we see the progressed horizon axis aligned with the Grand Cross triggering its meaning.

Finally, a look at the chart for the upcoming solar eclipse of 3 Nov 2013 confirms the message with the same Grand Cross aligned with the horizon axis. (Eclipses are known to be activated three months prior to their occurrence when the transit Sun forms a square aspect)

[1] The How-To’s of Solar Ingresses – Mundane Magic
[2] The Orders of Light, Martha Lang-Wescott



The trial started at 08:30 (00:30 GMT) - is taking place at the Intermediate People's Court in Jinan, in eastern Shandong province. The court is providing an account of proceedings on its official microblog. A chart drawn for this time has the now familiar Uranus-Pluto-Kronos-Hades along with Jupiter and Venus forming a Grand Cross that is placed on the angles supporting the theory outlined above.
