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Astrology of the Nobel prize in physics

Two scientists have won the Nobel prize in physics for their work on the theory of the Higgs boson. Peter Higgs, from the UK, and Francois Englert from Belgium, share the prize. In the 1960s, they were among several physicists who proposed a mechanism to explain why the most basic building blocks of the Universe have mass.

The mechanism predicts a particle - the Higgs boson - which was finally discovered in 2012 at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at Cern, in Switzerland. The Higgs boson, once dubbed by scientist Leon Lederman as “the God particle,” is associated with an invisible field that is part of the basic infrastructure of the cosmos. The mass of particles is determined by how they interact with this field.

Shown here are the charts for the current New Moon (above) and the upcoming Full Moon (below) at Stockholm. Notice that both the charts have Saturn  on the IC and Neptune on the descendant i.e. in a paran aspect [1] to each other.

Saturn represents the concrete, the tangible, and the sensible; it is what we see with our own eyes and what we take at face value. Neptune is the converse. Neptune is the ethereal, the spiritual, the unseen, and the imagined.

A particle with a mass in some way denotes the birth  of the spirit (Neptune)  into  the world of matter (Saturn),  the fusing of the boundless nature of spirit and soul (Neptune) into the limited world of body and material reality (Saturn).

Saturn [10sc] and the IC [12sc] are  conjunct Acrux [12sc], alpha Crucis of the Southern Cross. The cross, one of the oldest and most basic symbols of humankind affirms the relationship between the celestial (spiritual) and the earthly (material).  Because one piece is upright and the other horizontal, it stands for the union of opposites, the spiritual (vertical) interpenetrating the word of phenomena (horizontal) hence its significance as a metaphor for agony and struggle to give form (Saturn) to a vision (Neptune) [2].

Neptune [3pi] is conjunct the star Fomalhaut [4pi] in tropical Pisces. And the "sea" is Pisces, ruled by Neptune. It is the realm of the eternal mist from which everything new is born. It is, therefore , not surprising that Diana Rosenberg associates this area of stars with “major technological and scientific advances” and with people whose major areas of interest relate to “conception and birth” [3].

It may be interesting to note that when the  Nobel Prize for Physics was announced Mercury was transiting in conjunction with Saturn over the stars of the Cross. And moreover at the exact moment of the conjunction [19:39 UT] Neptune was on the MC at Stockholm with Uranus-Pluto square  aspecting the horizon axis. Uranus [10ar] is conjunct stars of Pegasus and the head of King Cepheus a forms a quincunx aspect to Mercury-Saturn on the stars of the Cross. Diana Rosenberg writes:

“This is a place of fires! Fires of illumination (*see note below) and fires of destruction. Here brilliant King Cepheus and high-flying Pegasus inspire extraordinary achievements that carry humankind into new knowledge and realizations.” [4]

 In 1964 when Higgs first postulated the existence of the Higgs Boson, Uranus-Pluto were conjunct.  A conjunction is a  seed moment. What ever is represented by the cycle is conceived then. It is a hidden point. The seed  germinates below ground till the maturing ideas arise again to provide practical, working alternatives. When will that be? At the waxing first-quarter square of Uranus and Pluto, which  is the equivalent of summer, when seeds planted in the spring burst into full expression and leaf out [5].

The electrical dance of revolutionary Uranus and transformative Pluto outlines revolutionary phases in the development of human consciousness on a global scale….Uranus's highest aspiration is liberation and transcendence from anything which confines, oppresses and limits. In science and technology, it manifests as innovation, allowing societies new freedom and liberation from the old.[6]

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.2, p.156-7]
[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.2, p.692]
[4] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.1, p.74-75]

Suggested reading:

Stars of the Large Hadron Collider 

Cepheus is an inconspicuous constellation, but evidently was highly regarded in early times as the father of the Royal Family, and his story well known in Greek literature of the 5th century before Christ. Allen  says that a Phoenician title for Cepheus was Phicares, believed to be the Phoenician equivalent to Flammiger (flame-bearing, flaming, aflame), and identical with Purkaeus, the Fire-kindler, which, transliterated as Pirchaeus, has been used for these stars.

"Again, the power of fire they called Hephaestus, and have made his image in the form of a man, but put on it a blue cap as a symbol of the revolution of the heavens, because the archetypal and purest form of fire is there. But the fire brought down from heaven to earth is less intense, and wants the strengthening and support which is found in matter: wherefore he is lame, as needing matter to support him." [Porphyry, On Images, (c. 232 AD - c. 304), Fragment 8.]
