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Astrology of Iran’s nuclear dilemma

20 Nov. Talks between world powers and Iran to secure a deal on Tehran's nuclear programme have resumed in Geneva. Both sides have expressed confidence a breakthrough can be achieved. However ahead of the talks, Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned his country would not step back "one iota" from its nuclear rights and had set "red lines" for the meeting. BBC

In this post we will see the how the current lunations highlight the dilemma faced by Iran.  Shown above is the chart for the 17 Nov. Full Moon at Tehran. It  is significant since it forms a T-square with the Pallas-Neptune on the meridian axis. The Full Moon [25ta26] is conjunct the star Algol [26ta22] that has been historically prominent in atomic explosions [1]. With this star and the Full Moon squaring Pallas-Neptune it is not too difficult to see why Iran is facing the issue described below:

PALLAS, ATHENA: Approval-seeking; whether one is willing and/or able to do those things that will please another. [2]
NEPTUNE: Weakness; vulnerability

To perceive that one must allow victimization or being taken advantage of in order to “please” or get along in a relationship. To make another happy would you be too accepting  even at the cost of integrity  as a way of achieving popularity--as a way of being "politically  correct." [3]

The second chart is the New Moon at the midpoint between Washington and Tehran. Again this is very prominent by the rules of mundane astrology since it squares the horizon axis and the Pallas-Neptune opposition once again and therefore poses the same dilemma for the participants. The New Moon [10sa59] is conjunct the star Antares [9sa57] – a star associated with what has come to be known as the Nuclear Axis [4].

[3] Mechanics of the Future – Asteroids; Martha Lang-Wescott (p.198)

The first atom bomb had Mars on Algol. A mushroom cloud rose over the sands of New Mexico, produced by a grapefruit-sized lump of plutonium. On July 16th 1945, with Mars within 20 arcminutes of Algol,[24] the desert sands of Alamogordo turned to glass. 'Pluto's element' went critical. The power of the atom was unleashed in this event, codenamed 'Trinity' by Robert Oppenheimer. Albert Einstein (Algol conjunct Pluto) had no inkling of the dire consequences lurking in his equations, until after Pluto's appearance in 1930. He then wrote to Roosevelt, advising that the Bomb should be built. His advice was taken - much though he regretted this, in later years. (The first controlled nuclear-fission chain reaction took place three years earlier on December 2nd, 1942 when Enrico Fermi's team at Chicago switched on a uranium pile, as the Sun conjuncted Antares, 'Heart of the Scorpion').
