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Eclipse denies Saudi imperial ambitions


The Obama administration's handling of overtures on Syria and Iran have outraged regional ally Saudi Arabia, which is signaling it wants to do more to boost the power of armed Sunni rebel groups on the ground in Syria as the U.S. pursues diplomacy.

Campion in his "The Book of World Horoscopes" gives the horoscope of  the foundation of Saudi Arabia (15 Jan 1902; 3:45 GMT Riyadh).  Notice that the 3 November solar eclipse has fallen on the MC of the chart. In itself this is not a good omen as H.S. Green  (Book of Mundane or National Astrology) writes:

Eclipse in the 10th house  - Unfortunate for the Monarch and Government; unpopularity, discontent, discredit, dissensions or death.

This eclipse [11sc] triggers the following  solar arc directions in the chart. Saturn [10ta] on IC [9ta] and square Mars [10aq]

With Mars, this Saturn progression denies our need to take action based on exclusive self-interest. If we have been overdoing our Mars side and making rash moves that are impulsive, Saturn slows us down. We can feel stuck, as if “put in place” by unsympathetic forces that deny us autonomy. Mars deals with how we vent anger. Saturn contacting Mars can turn any repressed anger into a conscious experience. Saturn makes things concrete. Our anger now takes on form through its direct release.

Eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. How dramatic these changes can be is a function of star alignments (where in the zodiak they occur) and other aspecting planets occurring at the time of the eclipse. In this case we have the eclipse conjunct Saturn and  a retrograde Mercury – a combination well known to create a breakdown in communication (e.g. as has happened between US and Saudi Arabia).

Amongst other things, the eclipse is conjunct the stars of Hercules and the Northern Crown. An earlier name for constellation Hercules was Lugal, “King” [1] who represented restive, ever-searching Gilgamesh. Combined with the Northern Crown there is imperial ambition but with danger of corruption or a misuse of power and influence. There is a tendency to be arrogant, argumentative, prickly and critical of others although their own moral character may be called into question. Many here still feel the grip of the ancient Scorpion’s extended claws that underly the Scales, being deeply troubled, bad tempered, brooding, quarrelsome making themselves and those around them wretched. This area of stars has been associated with acts of fanatic hatred, intolerance, persecutions and genocide. [2]

The truth of the symbols depicted above can be seen clearly in Saudi Arabia’s imperial ambition to extend its sphere of influence in Syria by arming the opposition in the civil war that has led to fanatic hatred and genocide.

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.191-3)
