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Eclipse warns of global warming

The levels of gases in the atmosphere that drive global warming increased to a record high in 2012. According to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), atmospheric CO2 grew more rapidly last year than its average rise over the past decade. Concentrations of methane and nitrous oxide also broke previous records.
Thanks to carbon dioxide and these other gases, the WMO says the warming effect on our climate has increased by almost a third since 1990. The WMO's annual greenhouse gas bulletin measures concentrations in the atmosphere, not emissions on the ground. The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has its  headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and is a member of the United Nations Development Group.

Eclipses are opportunities to make changes in our lives. The solar eclipse of 3 Nov. [11sc]   was conjunct the star mu Librae [14sc] one of the stars of the Scales of Justice which amongst other things emphasizes the need for equilibrium and balance. At Geneva, the eclipse highlights the Mars-Neptune opposition which makes a T-square with the meridian – one of the two important axes that gives prominence to any planet in a horoscope.

The planet Neptune is connected with the environment as this reference indicates:

I associate Neptune in Pisces (2011-2025) with the impending climate-change and sea-level-rise, not only because of the obvious influence of a watery planet in the water-sign of its modern rulership… but also due to its archetypal symbolism of that which interconnects us all, uncontained by meager sea-walls or ego-boundaries, and seeps into our sensitivities, susceptible as we all are to sympathetically suffering alongside fellow beings who suffer, in psychic solidarity with those who share this blessed existence with us. [1]

Mars [11vi] is conjunct the stars epsilon Antlia,[11vi] the hot air pump and Zosma of Leo. Nick Fiorenza tells us that Zosma [11vi] along with Denebola on the tail of the lion  is of intestinal toxicity, of foul, toxic wind emanating from the hind of the lion [2].

The constellation Antlia commemorates the air pump which had been invented by 17th-century British chemist and physicist Robert Boyle.

Antlia lies north of the great Ship Argo Navis. The word Antlia comes from Latin antlia, pump, from Greek antlos, 'ship's hold, bilge water'. Greek hyperantlos ousa symphorai, is a metaphor taken from a ship which can no longer keep out water . The water that collects in the bilge must be pumped out if it becomes too full and threatens to sink the ship. The bilge is the rounded portion of a ship's hull, forming a transition between the bottom and the sides, 'lowest internal part of a ship', also "the foulness which collects there", variant of bulge 'ship's hull', also 'leather bag', from Late Latin bulga, 'leather sack' .[3]

As with Fiorenza’s description of Zosma as toxic wind that must be evacuated from the Lion’s intestine, the Latin origin of the word Antlia reminds us that it refers to the pump that must throw out the toxic ship bilge which threatens to otherwise sink the ship. The ship Argo Navis is our great Mother Earth on which we all sail.  What elegant symbolism for the  waste gases that threaten our planet!
