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Gula discovers unknown knee ligament

I am a physician, I know how to heal, I carry with me all the herbs...
I am provided with a bag full of effective conjurations, I carry texts
for healing, I effect cures for all...
                                        - The Gula Hymn of Bullutsa-rabi

Nov. 5, 2013 — Two knee surgeons at University Hospitals , Belgium have discovered a previously unknown ligament in the human knee. This ligament appears to play an important role in patients with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears.

Diana Rosenberg, “the leading authority on Fixed Stars”,  in an interview with Edith Hathaway mentioned the idea that constellation figures may have been placed deliberately to pinpoint specific parts of the body [1]. Here we will see a confirmation of her discovery. As regulars readers know an eclipse behaves  like a sharp laser beam in human consciousness, lighting up areas that need our attention. The 3 Nov. solar eclipse [11sc16] was conjunct Saturn [13sc53]. Two days later Sun and Saturn were conjoined at 14sc14. Both were conjunct the star  Tau Herculis [14sc33] in Hercules’ right knee! [2]

The chart for the eclipse at Leuven has other indicators pointing to this discovery.  Neptune [2pi37] that is significantly placed square the MC is on left leg of Gula’s dog. On very ancient Mesopotamian kudurru (boundary stones carved with constellation figures) the area we know as Aquarius, the Water Pourer shows instead a seated goddess with a crouching dog: this was Earth Goddess Gula, “The Great Doctoress”, daughter of Anu, God of Heaven. Gula was “Great One” or “Great Female Physician” who could preserve the health of the body and remove sickness and disease with the touch of her hand. [3]

Finally, the Ascendant [1aq36] is part of the Indian lunar mansion Sravana also known as “The Lame” or  “The One who Limps”.

[1] Fixed Stars, Interview with Diana K. Rosenberg By Edith Hathaway (p.6)
[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.2, p.191]
