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Secret Argentina files discovered under Mercury retrograde

Some 1,500 secret files, dating back to the years of military rule in Argentina, have been discovered in Buenos Aires. They were found in an abandoned wing of the Air Force headquarters. The files contain the transcripts of all meetings held by the military junta, which ruled the country from 1976 to 1983, said Defence Minister Agustin Rossi.

“Experiencing Mercury Retrograde, we can feel irritated by delays, distractions and mixed messages. Mercury rules contracts, communication, education, thinking, perception, data and transportation.

Mercury is a trickster. He loves to play hide and seek. Yes, the Gods, the planets (archetypes) do have a sense of humor. Lost items can be rediscovered, while keys, wallets, documents, and other important items can go missing”

As the above reference tells us, under Mercury retrograde, lost items are rediscovered. We are in one such retrograde period right now so that it is hardly surprising that the lost files have been discovered. But it may be an interesting exercise to look at the past. 

The junta came to power in a military coup on 24 March 1976, deposing President Isabel Peron. A chart drawn for the date is shown here. Notice that the Sun [4ar] in Aries forms a quincunx aspect with Uranus [6sc22] and a T-square with Mars-Pluto – a violent combination easily associated with war and the military. Current retrograde Mercury conjoins Uranus so that files of that period are rediscovered. But more significantly the current Uranus-Pluto square forms a transiting T-square to Pluto [10li31] which lies amongst the stars of Coma Bernice and the Virgin.

With Coma Bernices’ dedication to tradition there is a strong theme of royalty and military “figurehead” leadership. Longing for the Virgin’s purity many become self-righteous “holier-than-thou” zealots, persecuting those who, in their eyes, do not adhere to their ideas of morality and high standards. Transits to these stars bring about major changes in governments and ways of thinking, often accompanied or followed by religious or political persecutions ( “witch hunts”) – explosions of fanatic  vicious intolerance, cruelty and brutality. [1]

The current Uranus-Pluto square affecting the radix chart can be interpreted as :

Emergence (Uranus) of formerly hidden or repressed (Pluto) content.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.64 – 66)
