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Venus-Pluto and the call to lower age of consent

Pluto’s rape of Persephone

The British prime minister has rejected a call from a leading expert on public health to lower the age of consent to 15. Faculty of Public Health president Prof John Ashton said society had to accept that about a third of all boys and girls were having sex at 14 or 15. He said the move would make it easier for 15-year-olds to get sexual health advice from the NHS. Downing Street said the current age of 16 was in place to protect children and there were "no plans to change it".

Full Moon

Last week Venus met up with   Uranus and Pluto, first squaring the former (Nov 14) and then conjoining the latter (Nov 15).  Venus is about love and relationships while the  Uranus-Pluto square is about the need for reform. The square represents the archetypal clash: courageous/warrior-like actions of individuals on behalf of the people's liberties (Uranus in Aries) vs. an intensification/ consolidation of power by institutional structures  facing threats to their authority (Pluto in Capricorn). [1]

In his article The Uranus-Pluto Square 2012-2015, Nick Fiorenza writes [2].

In general, the revolutionary uprising and spontaneous force of Uranus synthesized with Pluto's intensified dismantling and opening force in the very depths of consciousness can produce an intense cultural and social rebellion that motivates a profound and radical transformation in collective consciousness.

On one hand, this synthesis brings attention to radical, non-conforming, rebellious, authoritarian destructive use of power and its ramifications rippling through generations to follow. On the other, it can motivate radical and mind-expanding change in the very foundation of matter, energy and consciousness that breaks us from very deep-seated and long-standing genetic, cultural and social behavioral patterns.

Since Pluto is a symbol for the burning primal or animal  instincts inside us Venus-Pluto is about the early awakening of sexuality in relationships  and Prof Ashton is rightly asking for a recognition of this at the Full Moon. It may be interesting to add that the Full Moon [25ta26] is conjunct Algol, beta Perseus [26ta22].  Diana Rosenberg notes[3]:

“Under the influence of Perseus, those here desire to “make a difference”, with the idea of “rescuing” people, social groups or nations from their ills.”

The Sabian symbol for the MC [14cp22] of the Full Moon chart at London summarizes the issue symbolically:

Phase 285: In a hospital, the children’s ward is filled with toys
Keynote: The responsibility of society to ensure the welfare and total health of the new generation

The sociocultural processes must look to the future as well as to the past. It has created conditions which may harm the children who will carry forward its work, and it must try to repair these negative conditions through love as well as physical care.

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.1; p.201]
