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April Eclipse and Ireland’s exit from EU bailout

April Lunar Eclipse

The Irish Republic's exit from its bailout rescue is a "milestone" but not the end of the road, the country's finance minister has said. Michael Noonan told a press conference marking the exit that Ireland's deficit and debt was still far too high. Ireland has become the first eurozone nation to complete the lending deal put in place by a group of international lenders, known as the troika. [BBC 13 December 2013]

To better appreciate what is  presented in this post, I urge  readers to go through Nick Fiorenza’s excellent presentation of the Lunar Theme for the April 10, 2013 New Moon entitled “Money & the Rebalancing of the Expressive & Receptive of Action and Heart” [1]. The Full Moon of the Lunar Month was conjunct Saturn in tropical Scorpio – a sign traditionally associated with debt and borrowed money – so that Saturn in Scorpio was about discipline in the use of borrowed money.  Also Venus in Taurus opposite Saturn in Scorpio was an indicator of financial difficulties.

Our Full Moon eclipse conjoins retrograde Saturn within 3°. It lies opposite Mars, the Sun, Pallas and Venus. The April 10, 2013 New Moon  (of which the Full Moon is a part) prominently conjoins the star Revati in Pisces. It conjoins Eris and Mars, and the star Baten Kaitos of Cetus within 2°, and Venus within 3.25°. All conjoin the stars that form the outstretched arms of Princess Andromeda.

Revati, Zeta Pisces, literally means riches, money, wealth, and financial resources. Prominent alignments with Revati can indicate material wealth gained from participating in the dramatic psycho-emotional world of human affairs. This zodiakal longitude is a couple of degrees to that of Baten Kaitos, the belly of ole Cetus, where the transformative process occurs while in the whale of human emotional experience.

In the context of our Revati lunar theme, the eclipse provides opportunity to resynchronize how we respond to our life experience, to how we are using our resources, and to how we are applying our creative action from our hearts’ truth. It invites us to align our outward expression with our inner heart-centered awareness and to the realizations we have on this Full Moon. It also invites us to align how we respond to money and financial issues with our inner hearts truth. This alignment within allows a re-equilibration between the expressive and receptive aspects of self, which in turn allows a more harmonious and stressless flow of resources in our lives.

So why is this eclipse important for Ireland? Well, for one it is placed prominently on the horizon axis at Dublin, Ireland. Secondly, it is relevant now since progressing the eclipse chart brings the eclipse axis square to the horizon axis  (and therefore triggered) on the very day [13 Dec.] that the above news was announced.

Eclipse progressed to 13 Dec



In the  Lunar Planner for December 2013, Nick Fiorenza writing on the message of the Full Moon of 17 December says:

The Moon conjoins Al Hecka, the South Horn of the Bull, which marks the end of sidereal Taurus. Al Hecka, Zeta Taurus, the south horn, is of stalemates, standoffs, and brick walls—fighting old and antiquated crusades—particularly of a religious-political nature—and blindly or automatically continuing the fight out of habitual pattern even though the original purpose behind what we were fighting for is long gone. Al Hecka can express as beating one’s head against the wall, a relentless and futile pursuit. Al Hecka brings attention to when the accomplishment pursued is of a time no longer applicable—the time to surrender the physical struggle and move onward into a field of mutual cooperation.

This should confirm what we have said earlier.
