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Paul Walker: An astro-obituary

Paul Walker, the star of the Fast & Furious movie series, died Saturday in a car crash in ValenciaCalifornia that killed one other person.

Paul Walker  was born September 12, 1973 in Glendale, California.  We can see from his horoscope that he had a sharp Pluto – Saturn square with  Mercury [28vi] conjunct Pluto [3li]. Saturn represents the structures, systems and foundations of our lives, while Pluto represents transformation at the deepest level. Quite often that transformation leads to death.

 Natal asteroids  Icarus [4cp], Requiem [6cp] and Dionysus [18le] were making hard aspects to Saturn/Pluto while solar arc directed Phaethon [3li] was conjunct Pluto [1]. The meaning of the various combinations are given below [2]. 

DIONYSUS : Addictions.
ICARUS: Escapes that are careless of consequences; desire to get outta' here; the fast break impulse; attraction to speed, danger or risk; desire to get away from restrictions (of aspecting points).

With Mercury ruling cars this combination can cause recklessness while driving.

Dionysus is about addiction and with Icarus "addiction" is to things that are somewhat dangerous...that involve an  element of chance or speed...a surge of adrenalin.  These are people who "go too fast" as their drug of choice. Sometimes  people tend to "run away" rather than really "deal" with an  emotionally-charged situation. 

Death in a car.

These were natal placements and they explain his Fast and Furious movies but what happened to trigger this combination that led to Walker’s death? First, the November eclipse, placed at 3ar in the Draconic zodiac, was opposite his natal Pluto [3li]. On Saturday, transit Mars [27vi] conjoined his natal Mercury [28vi] providing the immediate trigger.

Finally, the chart for the last quarter moon is very significantly placed at Valencia with the Sun [3sa] on the MC square the Moon [3vi].  The Moon was opposite Neptune [3pi] conjunct the Chinese asterism Wei associated with death [3]. Neptune’s connection to movies and the world of films is well known. The Sun [3sa] was conjunct the star Epsilon (ε) Ophiuchus, Yed Posterior, [4sa] also referred to as the Man of Death! [4]

     Martha Lang Wescott
[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.756)
