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On why Corvus, the Raven, is multiplying in the US

Ravens in the US are building their nests on electricity power lines and using the height to target their prey, according to new research. The scientists say the majority of ravens in the study area were now living on transmission poles and posed a bigger threat to endangered species. Raven numbers in western states have increased by more than 300% in the past 40 years, say the researchers. The study is published in The Condor: Ornithological Applications.

The ancients appear to have left behind such a rich mythology of the stars that it is only now that we are beginning to unravel their wisdom. Quite often animals and birds that are brought to our attention can be seen in the stars relevant for that period as the several examples in the references below indicate. Here too the current Full Moon chart shown above has the MC and Mars conjunct the stars Alchita [11li44], Gienah [ 10li55] and  Algorab [13li37] of Corvus the Raven [1] ! It  also cannot be a coincidence that the Grand Cross with Mars in Corvus (Ravens) is aligned with Uranus (electricity) and Jupiter (expansion) in Cancer (nests) !!
