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Danish zoo kills healthy giraffe

Copenhagen Zoo said it euthanized a male giraffe, named Marius, on Sunday because of a duty to avoid inbreeding. After an autopsy, "Marius" was dismembered in front of a zoo audience that included children, and fed to the zoo's lions. Despite online uproar over the move and reports of last-minute attempts to save the animal, the zoo in the Danish capital said it had no place for Marius in its giraffe herd.

As most readers are aware there are eight phases of the Moon [1]. In astrology, the chart for each phase is considered important for a place.  In particular, the stars on the angles as well as those  that conjoin the Moon (and planets) gives rise to events that are closely connected to the mythology of the stars.

The chart for the Waxing Gibbous Moon phase of 10 February at Copenhagen is shown here. The Moon [7cn02]  on the MC conjoins  42 Camelopardalis [6cn33].  

Camelopardalis, or the Giraffe, is a large yet faint constellation in the northern hemisphere. It was created by Dutch astronomer Petrus Plancius and first described by German astronomer Jacob Bartsch, both in the early 17th century. When he included Camelopardalis on his map in 1624, Jacob Bartsch wrote that it stood for the camel on which Rebecca rode into Canaan to be married to Isaac, as written in Genesis. The constellation, however, represents a giraffe, not a camel, and the origin of its name is unclear. The Greeks, for reference, called the giraffe the "leopard camel" because it had a leopard's spots and the head of a camel [2].

The Gibbous Moon is sesqui Saturn [22sc] while the Sun squares it.  Uranus [9ar50]  on the Descendent is conjunct stars of King Cepheus and the sea monster Cetus to which Diana Rosenberg attributes amongst other things “extermination and deliberate cruelty” [3].  It is also in a sesqui aspect to Saturn [22sc21] which is conjunct the stars Men, alpha Lupi [23sc40] on the Beast’s hind leg, epsilon Librae in the Scales [21sc31] and sigma Corona Borealis [21sc33].  The balance of the Scales and the Gardens of Corona Borealis can bring harmony to the wild (here the zoo – a miniature wild) but this may  sometimes require the sacrifice of Lupus, the Akkadian Ligbat, (Beast of death).  In the light of this, the Moon [7cn] position on Camelopardalis tells us that a Giraffe has been chosen to die!

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana Rosenberg 

It is reported that the animal was put down at 9:20 am (CET) on Sunday. The IC [7cn16] of the event chart is conjunct the star 42 Camelopardalis mentioned above with Saturn [22sc58] in a exact quincunx aspect to the Ascendant [22ar53].

*This post is not a defense of the actions of the zoo authorities but rather a statement of unfortunately how the stars express themselves at the current level of humanity's evolution.
