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Uranus-Pluto and the discovery of gravitational waves

There is intense speculation among cosmologists that a US team is on the verge of confirming they have detected "primordial gravitational waves" – an echo of the big bang in which the universe came into existence 14bn years ago. Rumours have been rife in the physics community about an announcement due on Monday from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. If there is evidence for gravitational waves, it would be a landmark discovery that would change the face of cosmology and particle physics.

The progressed Capricorn Ingress Chart (also referred to as the Annual Chart) is a valuable tool to mark out days on which important events can be expected to happen. Shown above is the sidereal Capricorn Ingress at Cambridge, MA. On the Ascendant [17li] is Kraz, beta Corvus and Seginus of Bootes. The Shepherd-Herdsman Bootes assisted by the message bearing Crow carries news of discoveries that teach and enlighten mankind [1]. While Neptune [3pi38] which aspects both the Asc and MC is conjunct the star Fomalhaut linked to “major scientific and technological advances” [2].

Shown below is the progression (PSSR method) of Capricorn Ingress Chart to March 17, the date of the expected announcement. Notice Uranus-Pluto in the Grand Cross both in the original chart as well as in the progressed where it is brought to the angles.

The electrical dance of revolutionary Uranus and transformative Pluto outlines revolutionary phases in the development of human consciousness on a global scale….Uranus's highest aspiration is liberation and transcendence from anything which confines, oppresses and limits. In science and technology, it manifests as innovation, allowing societies new freedom and liberation from the old.

Discussing the deeper implications of the Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter T-square which is now being converted into a Grand Cross by Mars in April 2014, Nick Fiorenza wrote in his November 2013 issue of the Lunar Planner [3].

The Jupiter-Uranus synodic square is the first square (much like the first square occurring now in the much longer Uranus-Pluto cycle) of the 13.5-year Jupiter-Uranus synodic cycle that began in September of 2010. The Jupiter-Uranus synod occurring then, at the Vernal Point of Earth's Precessional Cross in early sidereal Pisces, initiated another principal cycle stimulating an awakening in the human populous to create and prepare for wide sweeping revolutionary change.

The 2008 Jupiter-Pluto synod and the 2010 Jupiter-Uranus synod, due to these events occurring upon principle nodes of Earth's Precessional Cross, were blatant astrological heralds indicative of primary evolutionary change to occur throughout their respective 13-year cycles. These two cycles also nest within the theme and energetic of the longer Uranus-Pluto cycle. The November 2013 confluence of the Uranus-Pluto Synodic Square, the Jupiter-Pluto Synodic Opposition, and the Jupiter-Uranus Synodic Square, forming this T-square, actualize the start of an avalanche of evolutionary change to accelerate over the months and years ahead, especially when this energetic fully engages with the geocentric Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto Grand Square occurring in April 2014.

Interestingly the Grand Cross was also present at the sidereal Capricorn Ingress of  Jan 15, 2014 and is activated by the PSSR progression of the Ingress angles on Monday, 17 March the date of the expected announcement! Please remember that a slightly skewed Grand Cross is activated when the trailing edge (in this case Uranus) touches a progressed angle. And let us not forget that the Grand Cross contains within it the TNP Hades (distant past). So if Uranus-Pluto is about scientific advances, here the Promethean principle of Uranus liberates from the depths (Pluto) secrets of  the distant past (Hades) [4]. (Uranus-Pluto were conjunct in the mid sixties when the first steps in the discovery of the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation were taken.)

Uranus [8ar56] is conjunct the star Erakis, mu Cephei, in the King’s head about which Diana Rosenberg writes [5].

“This is a place of fires! Fires of illumination and fires of destruction. Here brilliant King Cepheus and high-flying Pegasus inspire extraordinary achievements that carry humankind into new knowledge and realizations.”

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, 89-90)
[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, 690-92)
[4] Roger Jacobson’s “Language of Uranian Astrology”; “Hades -An Ongoing Study”; L. Blake Finley
[5] Secrets of the Ancient Skies, Diana K. Rosenberg [v.1, p.74-75]


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