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Astrology of the "Third Industrial Revolution"

Capitalism is making way for the age of free. The internet of things has facilitated an economic shift from markets to collaborative commons, with costs close to zero

The price of energy and food is climbing, unemployment remains high, the housing market has tanked, consumer and government debt is soaring, and the recovery is slowing. Facing the prospect of a second collapse of the global economy, humanity is desperate for a sustainable economic game plan to take us into the future. Jeremy Rifkin explains how Internet technology and renewable energy are merging to create a powerful "Third Industrial Revolution." He asks us to imagine hundreds of millions of people producing their own green energy in their homes, offices, and factories, and sharing it with each other in an "energy internet," just like we now create and share information online.

An extract from Nick Fiorenza’s  latest post [1] “Actualizing Revolutionary Change” - The Lunar Theme for the March 30, 2014 New Moon explains the astrology behind the new developments that Jeremy Rifkin calls the "Third Industrial Revolution."

The Sun, Juno & Relationships

The Sun-Juno conjunction occurs on April 11, hours before the Gibbous Moon. This marks the mid-point of vision and realization in the current Earth-Juno synodic cycle that began on August 3, 2013, presented in the July 8, 2013 Lunar Planner.


This new Juno synodic cycle theme can express in a variety of ways. It can impel the formation of new bonds and partnerships in business. It can impel partnerships in the areas of publication of information and of a social nature. It can inspire the concretization of ideas and thoughts from multi-disciplines in the fields of science and history. It motivates partnerships of all types to work for a greater common good, and to become responsible to provide the prosperity and security required for a nurturing environment for home and families. This is a shift from the exclusive self-focused survival of the fittest mentality (what can I get from another) to one that is inclusive where the through is what can we mutually provide for one another.

Also of pertinence is the new and recent Juno-Uranus 4.5-year synodic cycle (and their conjunction) that began in the previous lunar cycle.


A Juno-Uranus synthesis in general can be about making radical if not spontaneous changes in relationships and partnerships of all types. It may be about partnerships breaking apart and new ones forming, or it may be about
existing partnerships breaking away from the conformity of the past and exploring new territory and new frontiers. It may motivate partnerships to evolve in new or unconventional ways and that create innovative ways forward.

Here in sidereal Pisces, this can be of an emotional or spiritual nature, but may also involve new technologies or modalities that make our experience more humanly palpable and intuitive. With these stars, it may motivate revolutionary breakthroughs through past restrictions to achieve a greater level of freedom from any variety of dependencies, also those of a financial nature. This may involve much inner work in our relations, learning to interrelate in new and innovative ways, but the rewards can ultimately be quite great.
