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Eclipse signals a new Russo-German Europe

Many Germans feel a special bond to Russia. There are some obvious explanations for the bond between Germans and Russians: economic interests, a deeply rooted anti-Americanism in both countries on both the left and the right of the political spectrum. But those are only superficial answers -- dig a little deeper, and you'll find two other explanations: Romanticism and the war. The war explanation is inextricably linked to German guilt. As a country that committed monstrous crimes against the Russians, we sometimes feel the need to be especially generous, even in dealing with Russia's human rights violations.

Shown here is the chart for the upcoming lunar eclipse of April 15 drawn for the midpoint between Moscow and Berlin. Notice that the eclipse along with the powerful Uranus-Pluto transformative Grand Cross squares the horizon axis and therefore is significant for the place. The eclipse Sun [25ar] is conjunct stars of Cetus, the monster and the Fishes’ cord that tie to the past. Also influencing is the star Acamar [23ar28]

Acamar is the dam, and indicates that emergence from the belly of Cetus (the technobureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness) requires a breakthrough that will lead us from the foul digestive juices of Cetus and into a greater freedom of being. [1]

 Eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings so that this one is offering an opportunity to get past the war years – the monsters of the past.

Finally, notice that the eclipse Sun makes a sharp semi-square to Venus [10pi12] on the MC. Venus along with Neptune conjoin the stars of Aquarius. Here the ever cleansing Waters of Aquarius combined with his predecessor Gula, a goddess of medicine, heal and renew bodies, minds and souls.
