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Freedom from captivity for New York man

A New York man has been exonerated over a 1989 murder as part of larger review of questionable convictions. Jonathan Fleming, now 51, had been on holiday in Disney World at the time of the murder and had documents supporting his alibi, but he was still convicted.

In mundane astrology, the importance of the Capricorn Ingress chart is universally recognized. Astrologers look upon it as the Annual Chart for a place. Progressing the chart on a daily basis can reveal  the cosmic reason behind events when the angles aspect important planetary configurations. In this case progressing the Ingress chart brings the angles in alignment with a Grand Cross on the day of Fleming’s release.  

 Writing about the Grand Cross, Ralfee Finn says:

Mars, still retrograde in Libra, forms an opposition to Uranus, in Aries, as well as a square to Pluto, in Capricorn; and Jupiter, in Cancer, forms an opposition to Pluto as well as a square to both Uranus and Mars. This entire configuration is called a Cardinal Grand Cross, and it is best described as a highly intense and stressful aggregation of planetary force that builds its power as the formation tightens into exact degrees and then, releases as the planets start to separate out of those positions. Cardinal Signs are given to action, so as this Grand Cross intensifies its grip, so do the problems we are facing, personal as well as collective.

The mounting tension of this Grand Cross is sure to show itself as behaviors, our own or others’, that we can no longer tolerate. Or as secrets that can no longer hold themselves back from being spoken. Or as dreams that convey messages across dimensions of time and space. Or as longings that can no longer be denied. The need to act up or act out in relationship is driven by Mars, retrograde in Libra, and its determination to ferret out imbalances in all sorts of relationships. ( as in this news where Fleming was released after a questionable conviction). The urge to break free from constraints, real or imagined, is fuelled by Uranus, in Aries, sparking personal and collective movements for independence. Pluto, in Capricorn, makes its contribution by shaking the foundation of systems that no longer serve.


In addition to the solar quotidian progression of the Capricorn Ingress chart two other significant factors can be seen working in Fleming’s release. First, Mars is now retrograding over its position in Capricorn Ingress chart on the Ascendant. Secondly, the current New Moon at 9ar fell on Uranus [9ar] conjunct the Descendant [14ar]. On the Descendant is the star Alpheratz [14ar] – a star associated with freedom from captivity as in the story of Princess Andromeda and the Royal Family.
