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Indian Elections: Opening the Gates of Change

The main thing to understand here is that astrology is not concretely predictive, but archetypally predictive. That is, the birth chart and transits indicate which universal principles are emphasized, in what combination, and when. Richard Tarnas

With the above mentioned quote in mind let us look at the major progressions and transits in India’s chart.  There are two charts commonly used by astrologers (a)  Independence Aug 15, 1947; 0 00 hrs, Delhi (b) Republic chart 26 Jan 1950; 10: 15 am, Delhi.  The Republic chart was analyzed in a previous post [1]. Here we look at Independence chart from which we arrive at similar conclusions.

 The most important directions in the Independence chart are (a) solar arc Sun [26li] in a forming square to radix Moon [27cn] (b) solar arc Uranus square [0vi] forming a square to radix Ascendant [0ge]

In a mundane chart the Ascendant and the Moon represent the public in general. A solar arc Uranus square the Ascendant means that the public is restless and may act in ways that are contrary to expectations. With the solar arc Sun square to Moon, the public (Moon) is reviewing its allegiance to authorities (the Sun). The masses having been stewing and recognize that they need to  readjust their external situation. Alan Leo, in The Progressed Horoscope, considered the period of the square to be very challenging and even "unfortunate". However, he wrote the following: "Viewed from a higher standpoint this is a good vibration, as it quickens the personality and calls out all its strength to battle with the changing fate; for the changes, although apparently disastrous, are for eventual good."

The April 15 lunar eclipse fell in hard aspect to the following entities  in India’s Independence chart  triggering the solar arc Sun  progression mentioned above. Look upon the solar progression as the hour hand of the clock and transits or eclipses as the minute hand. Obviously the hour strikes when both are in unison as they are here!

Amycus [24ar32]; Hades [26ar40]; Moon [27cn06]; Hybris [26li05]

MOON: the masses or the public in general
HADES:  debilitation or deterioration; the past or history; mistakes
HYBRIS: Expectation, glass-ceilings, limits-what one future-paces as their fate, their slot in life-and what can be expected of others; conditioned limitations.
AMYCUS: Possible change in one’s long held or fixed point of view when new data or insights are integrated that improve the current position.

Hades/Hybris - Amycus
People  will...expect to make sure that something bad is  happening...feel constrained by the past...or feel limited by their own  glass ceilings (or by the ones others have convinced them exist.)   You'll also see that people "don't have high expectations" (of others,  of situations, of outcomes,) and I guess the real problem here is that a  person's expectations strongly dictate what happens... Please note: These expectations CAN (and are apt  to be) WRONG! The presence of Amycus in the mix offers hope for a change in  long held points of view!

Regular readers will be aware that in April 2014 when India’s elections are underway, we are in the midst of a powerful Grand Cross involving Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto. ( * )

The slowest moving planet in this pattern, Pluto, is the hub of this process. Its presence in hierarchical Capricorn is partially reflected in the increasing concentration of wealth that enriches the few at the top at the expense of the many in the middle and bottom economic rungs. It’s likely that social disorder will occur if we continue in this direction. And it’s common to blame the government and big corporations for this growing imbalance. Trust in institutions (Capricorn) is breaking down. But the deeper meaning in all of this is the need to reassess our internal institutions: the beliefs and behaviors that structure our lives instead of blaming others. [2]

Uranus-Pluto square, on the one hand, can bring attention to radical and self-destructive patterns  rippling through generations . On the other, it can motivate  mind-expanding change in the very foundation of consciousness that breaks us from very deep-seated and long-standing genetic, cultural and social behavioral patterns.


Saturn [21sc07] is currently transiting square the radix Sun [21le07]  in the Independence chart. A chart for the exact square on April 26 carries the Grand Cross powerfully on the angles.

P.S. A note for advanced readers

Another significant transit in the Independence Chart is Pluto [13cp] quincunx its  radix position Pluto-Saturn [13le] on the IC [14cp]. Some keywords that describe quincunxes are: redirecting, challenging, requiring adjustments or change. The IC or the 4th house cusp in a mundane chart  is the foundation or base of the society and its traditions. It is a place which reflects the culture or the folk-soul of the nation.  In his excellent essay “The Saturn-Pluto Synodic Cycles - A Historical Exploration 1851 – 2020”  Nick Fiorenza describes the stellar backdrop of the August 1947 Pluto-Saturn synod that that is relevant to the Indian Independence chart.

A Saturn-Pluto synodic cycle, in general, will be about societal structures of consciousness and how we learn about responsible use of power. It will be about our administrative systems governing the use of power. These cycles can also initiate a dismantling or destructive process of long-standing established administrative constructs and systems of belief so that we can evolve our societal structures. In the process, this can articulate as power struggles, wars and the like; but Saturn and Pluto will ultimately demand we take responsibility for the discord and destruction we have created.

Aug 22, 1947 - Saturn Pluto Synod
Geocentric conjunction: 1 trigger - Aug 10, 1947
Location: 18° 49' Cancer
Primary stars: Acubens of Cancer; Zeta Hydra, Dubhe of Ursa Major. This is also the exalted location in the ecliptic for Pluto.

Synodic Theme (abbreviated): A multifarious source of destruction: The Great Bear, Ursa Major, lies north of the Lion, but also extends west over sidereal Cancer, and slightly east of Leo, just into the cusp of sidereal Virgo. Ursa Major’s wide variety of stars fall into the ecliptic throughout these two signs. The Stars of the Great Bear are associated with the global scene and world powers. Dubhe, Alpha Ursa, embodies the pursuit for a greater vision beyond the accepted political-religious dogmas of the human world that keep humanity in darkness and delusion; and against the controlling global forces perpetuating that dogmatic rule. At a personal level, Dubhe asks us to do all we can to achieve the greater vision that we hold for the unfoldment of our lives--for the true nourishment, fulfillment, and freedom we seek. Dubhe asks us to emerge from the collective and our own personal dogmas (our belief structures) and our limiting life patterns that keep us bound in life scenarios that are less than those we truly want. Dubhe supports us to strive for a new and better future rather than merely staying reactive to the limitations we have already created and reinforce with our existing beliefs.

Acubens, Alpha Cancer, indicates entrapment in dogma. This can be the current political / religious beliefs of the times, as well as that created by our personal belief structures--the ideas we have about our lives and experiences we have in our lives. Acubens indicates a tenacious hold and stubborn resistance to release the patterns we hold that keep us entrapped in our limiting life scenarios.

Zeta Hydra lies immediately south of Acubens. Delta through Zeta Hydra and Pulsar CP0834 (which conjoins Gianfar of Draco, the poisoned place) create Hydra's head. Zeta Hydra and surrounding stars indicate a multifarious undermining source of destruction (every time Hercules took off one the Hydra's heads, it immediately grew another). The conjunction of Acubens and Zeta Hydra reveals that the repetitive undermining experiences in our lives are manifest from our own tenacious belief structures.

Associated Quasar 3C206 of Hydra, one of the brightest & closest quasars, suggest that although our dogmatic beliefs can take rather strange and unexplainable forms, they are not outside the realm of our own creation. They are however laser-like in their power. Quasar 3C206 reminds us to not be naïve to the powerful momentum of our beliefs and the undermining behavioral patterns they can create. This quasar tells us to not turn our backs on that momentum, to know it may take more than one attempt to overcome our dogma's hideous tenacity.

These three conjoining stars reveal that any experiences that repetitively undermine our greater fulfillment are due to the very dogmatic beliefs we hold crystallized within. They reveal that we must eradicate those beliefs along with the willingness to fight to achieve a greater vision for the evolutionary freedom and fulfillment we seek. Ultimately, any perpetuated undermining experiences occurring at a global level or in our personal lives serve to catalyze a breakthrough in human conscious, specifically to emerge from blinding following mass dogma that keeps us bound in human darkness and delusion. This area of the zodiak between the Scarab (or Crab) and head of Lion is where we find the free-thinkers willing to step from mass darkness and delusion, those willing to break the bounds of mass consensus and strive for a greater vision of cultural freedom

Time line of transit of outer planets to radix Saturn-Pluto conjunction

Radix Saturn-Pluto conjunction

1947-48 - Hundreds of thousands die in widespread communal bloodshed after partition.

1948 - Mahatma Gandhi assassinated by Hindu extremist.

1948 - War with Pakistan over disputed territory of Kashmir.

Pluto transit square Sun which is conjunct radix Saturn-Pluto

1971 - War with Pakistan over creation of Bangladesh, formerly East Pakistan.

Saturn transit opposite radix Saturn-Pluto
1992 - Hindu extremists demolish mosque in Ayodhya, triggering widespread Hindu-Muslim violence.

Uranus transit opposite radix Saturn-Pluto; Saturn transit square radix Saturn-Pluto
1998 - India carries out nuclear tests, leading to widespread international condemnation.

1999 May - Tension in Kashmir leads to brief war with Pakistan-backed forces in the icy heights around Kargil in Indian-held Kashmir.

Transit Saturn-Pluto opposition on radix draconic Saturn-Pluto
2002 Gujarat riots

Transit Saturn square radix Saturn-Pluto and radix Sun
2013-14 the rise of Narendra Modi

Transit Pluto quincunx Saturn-Pluto and  draconic Grand Cross Pluto conjunct draconic radix Saturn-Pluto

2014 India goes to elections
