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Juno highlights Russia-Ukraine gas dispute

Russia's President Vladimir Putin has sent a letter to 18 European leaders urging them to offer quick financial assistance to Ukraine to prevent a shutdown of Russian natural gas to much of Europe. In a letter released today by the Kremlin, Mr Putin warned that Ukraine's mounting gas debt is forcing Moscow to start demanding advance payments for Russian gas supplies. He warned that if Ukraine fails to make such payments, Russia's state-controlled gas giant Gazprom will "completely or partially cease gas deliveries". MSN News, April 10.

The news is coming in the backdrop of a powerful Sun-Juno conjunction which is part of the current Grand Cross involving Uranus-Pluto among others.

Friday 11 April 2014; 07:17:10 UT - Sun (21 ar 19'46") conjunct Juno (21 ar 19'46")

A chart for the conjunction drawn for the midpoint between Moscow and Kiev is shown here. Notice the placement of the Grand Cross (involving Uranus-Pluto among others) on the horizon axis making it very significant.

Martha Wescott provides the following interpretations

JUNO: Partners;  maintenance of one's rights or position with other; question of rights and fairness/compromise; enforcement of fairness; potential for score-keeping, jealousy, fears of abandonment & infidelity; tallying ($$$ & fairness).
PLUTO:  Urge for dominance; control needs; psychological power;  emotional taffy in relationships
URANUS: Friends, friendship & group dynamics; freedom needs


With regard to RELATIONSHIPS (of all kinds,) you will want to  notice...complex motives...guilt trips...inequities in dominance...unhealthy exchanges of Need and Feed...attempts to get the other to change  (so they are more controllable!) and excessive reliance on another's  financial status. People's power and control needs will  cause a lot of unfairness to others, and you may see some "showdowns" or  ultimatums occur in relationships.


To see attempts to force change or rupture; aware of power struggles (Pluto)  between friends (Uranus) or within groups; to recognize that the threat of a separation or demand for independence (Uranus) can bring vindictive reactions (Pluto)  or is based on an assertion of dominance (or attempt to regain control); to be aware of disruption or events with friends (Uranus)  in connection with debt or shared resources (Pluto).

In the Grand Cross, Jupiter and the TNPs Kronos, Hades are conjunct the stars of the Twins and Canis Major. The fraternity of the close knit Twins and the faithful devotion of the Greater Dog (Canis Major) are being challenged by the Uranus-Pluto square to reach a new equilibrium in relationships that allows for greater freedom and away from co-dependence.

Finally on the IC [11vi17] is  epsilon Antilia [11vi13] along with stars Zosma [11vi49] Mizar [15vi11] and Denebola [21vi47] . The star  picture here is of  combustible gases (Antilia and Zosma) burning in a fire (Mizar and Denebola) [1]. How strange that in our case the issue is one of natural gas supply!
