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Raed Saleh in Berlin empitomizes the new leadership

With Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit facing his political Waterloo, all eyes have turned to Raed Saleh, who could become the first mayor of a major German city with foreign roots. The German capital's changing demographics could help him.

The article that appeared in the German edition of Der Spiegel on April 7 and in the International edition on April 11 portrays Saleh as a person truly concerned with the welfare of Berliners. To understand Saleh’s popularity readers are urged to look at the charts for the First Quarter Moon of April 7 and the Waxing Gibbous Moon of April 11. With the powerful alignment of the Grand Cross with the angles both phases are significant for Berlin.

As the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square begins to form a Grand Cross in April, it is time to reflect on its deeper purpose. Nick Fiorenza writes:

The 2012-2015 Uranus-Pluto square impels action to create revolutionary societal change based on the revelations of a deeper truth and far greater conscious awareness about the human condition and the condition of all life on Earth. It also stimulates a radical, perhaps rude, awakening in the collective in a way that impels people to no longer acquiesce to financial entrapment and the manipulation of resources by authoritarian bureaucracies. Humanity can no longer hide in ignorance and acquiescence to bureaucratic powers with agendas that do not serve the well-being for all of humanity and for all life on Earth, including Earth [1].

In addition, in April, Mars in Libra begins  a new  Earth-Haumea-Mars synodic cycle.

This Mars retrograde, the Earth-Haumea-Mars synodic cycles, and the Mars leg of this Grand Square are about birthing and establishing a new level of leadership in our personal lives and in our world by taking right action that is integrous to ourselves, to our relations, to all life, to our environment, and that supports the healthy evolution and ascension of all life on Earth. This energetic not only motivates a new birth in how we are using our own personal power, it also motivates new leadership in the world that is based in integrity to the natural world and that has the audacity to take a stand against corrupt leadership that undermines life to amass power over life. Consider all of this to be an energetic augmenting the Mars leg of the Grand Square [2].

Also  in the First Quarter Moon phase chart, Venus and Neptune on the MC conjoin the star Fomalhaut.

Aquarius, the humanitarian waterbearer, nourishes the body of humanity, articulated by Fomalhaut of Pisces Australis. Pisces Aus. (the southern fish) embodies the essence of human society, and Fomalhaut is its mouth into which the nourishing Aquarian waters flow, and through which humanity speaks. Fomalhaut is the voice of humanity. People with prominent Fomalhaut placements have a need to speak for humanity as a whole and about humanity's fundamental needs. They seek ways to create an evolved human society, one free from segregations.

One of the "Four Royal Architects," Fomalhaut is the administrative seat of the aquatic quadrant of the heavens. Fomalhaut embodies the essence of sidereal Aquarius—inspiring future vision for an evolved humanitarian-based society and the essence of philanthropy. Fomalhaut inspires new ideas and pursuits in the art-sciences and in social issues of the world. It is of the human populous and the flow of resources within that populous that creates a wholesome human condition[3]

This explains the  popularity of Raed Saleh and the essential qualities of the new leadership that is about to emerge.
