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Solar Eclipse and India’s elections

India’s election results on May 16 takes place in an eclipse lunar cycle. The solar eclipse [8ta52]  of April 29 is conjunct the South Node [28ar25] on the MC [0ta01]

The entire nodal cycle of the Moon is said to begin at the north node. Northward motion is motion toward the spirit; southward motion is motion from the spirit, which may mean either the release of spirit toward earthly manifestation (spiritual Incarnation, sacrifice, the fall of the seed to the ground) or a withdrawal away from spiritual values or from a condition of integration (thus, decay, disintegration, excavation of unassimilable elements and refuses). [1]

Consider the north node of the Moon as a "point of intake" (in ancient symbolism the Dragon's Head) and the south node as a "point of release"; (the Dragon's Tail) — or in a more strictly biological and functional sense, as "mouth" and "organs of evacuation".  

Generally, eclipse lunar cycles mark a time of shifting into a new octave of experience. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. Eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings. A solar eclipse on the South Node is essentially about ending a certain way of being that is no longer in tune with our future. If change is resisted an eclipse can become stressful or create upheaval bringing issues in the chart area that it falls to a crisis point. [2]

Our solar eclipse in the mundane tenth house conjunct the stars Schedar of Cassiopeia and Hamal of Aries does not bode well for leaders described by these stars. [3] That is not to say that election results will necessarily be against those leaders but that the period that follows will bring a churning that will align events with the cosmic principles outlined here.

Schedar, Alpha Cassiopeia, the head of the Queen, tightly conjoining Hamal, is of “pride and arrogance.” Schedar is the head-trip of the Queen in the glitter of her place of power upon the human stage. Immature challenge and boast can express here with ramifications only accentuating the drama of the tightening jaws of fear-based collective consciousness (Cetus) and the butting response provided by the head of the Ram. Hamal and Schedar can express as power struggles amongst leaders or those who are headstrong, with lessons about how arrogance creates struggle in the material world; and how compassion opens the way through.

A question to consider: Will those in authoritarian positions continue to stand by in arrogant denial, while immersed in their greedy and pompous side-taking, while the greater human potential (Andromeda) and the people of the world remain entrapped, about to be devoured into the digestive juices of the bureaucratic monster (ole' Cetus)? [3]

The Ascendant or the first house  in a mundane chart represents the public or the masses as opposed to leaders in the tenth. Here the Ascendant [6le] is conjunct the stars of Cancer Praesepe and Ascellus Borealis.

Praesepe embodies the essence of the Scarab / Cancer theme: emergence out of darkness, dogma, and delusion, out of the antiquated entrapments we had been living in, and our transmutation from darkness into light. Praesepe is of new beginnings, migration, shedding old skins, skeletons, and cocoons. It is of emerging out of the frenetic confusion of mass consciousness; finding our new path and direction; leaving behind old dwellings and the structures of consciousness they represent; and getting out of our personal or collective dogma and the darkness it creates. As with the migration of bees from an old hive, before identifying their new direction, there can be frenetic confusion at first, a scattered sense and lack of direction before moving toward their new home. This is temporary and is part of intuiting the feeling for the right direction, much like turning in a complete circle to identify the way that feels right. Praesepe asks us to step out of our limiting environments and structures of consciousness and to find new places fitting to our emerging new awareness.

This post is not an attempt  to predict the immediate outcome of the Indian elections. Rather than prediction, the function of astrology is to interpret – to reveal energies at work unsuspected behind the veil of  cosmic events.

A glimmer of hope that the Indian masses may take the right decision to move away from the past subservience to self-serving leaders can be seen if we progress the eclipse chart to May 16 – when election results will be declared. The progressed IC is conjunct Saturn [20sc52] which in turn is conjunct epsilon Librae and  Zubeneschamali [19sc32] of the Northern Scales.

Zubenelgenubi / Zubeneschamali: Zubenelgenubi, the southern claw of the Scorpion is the karmic seat for humanity; also Saturn's exalted location; the life scenario we have established, our established patterns. Zubeneschamali is the dharmic seat, reveals our need to resolve, to balance our past experience. Success in doing so results in equipoise and harmony from which solution is realized.
