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Apple and Google settle disputes at Mars direct

After years of legal wrangling over intellectual property, Apple and Google have agreed to dismiss all current patent disputes between the two companies, marking an extraordinary de-escalation of the patent wars between the Silicon Valley tech giants.  Apple and Google, two of Silicon Valley’s top intellectual property antagonists, have declared a ceasefire in their long-running war over patents, the companies said late Friday night. The two tech titans said they signed a landmark agreement to settle all outstanding patent litigation between them, in a marked de-escalation of the smartphone patent wars that have gripped the tech world in recent years. [1]

On April 21, an unusual alignment of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto forming a  Cardinal Grand Cross was  exact and separating, and as it separated,  it pulled apart, stressful situations. A Cardinal Grand Cross symbolizes the potential to break through as well as break free from whatever holds us down. Since Mars is in Libra – the sign that rules all kinds of business and personal relationships – much of the stress  and the subsequent breakthrough or breakdown was expected to be felt in this area.

The solar eclipse of April 28, caught the Cardinal Grand Cross on the meridian axis at San Francisco with retrograde Mars on the MC. Eclipses are about changing the way we respond to situations. With Mars station direct on May 19, on the MC of the solar eclipse chart, it has served to activate it. Some key phrases from Ebertin for the Mars-Jupiter square contained in the Cardinal Cross sum up the situation in the news.

Resolutions and decisions, the settlement of conflicts, the stage of clearing the air after the termination of disputes and quarrels. [2]

The Mars-Jupiter square is part of a synodic conjunction (sidereal) that took place on Aug 17, 2013 at 4cn (tropical) conjunct the stars Tejat, mu Geminorum [5cn] of the Twins who are often shown fighting each other (notice the bow and arrows in Castor's hand and the club in Pollux's!) and  theta Columbae [3cn] of the peaceful dove. With Columba here, there are “hawks and doves” issues – whether to fight or back down and make peace. Obviously it appears that in this case they have chosen peace!

[2] The Combination of Stellar Influences; Reinhold Ebertin (p.154)
