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Bay of Bengal earthquake at Last Quarter Moon

Winged horse Pegasus

A moderate 5.6 Magnitude earthquake [1]  took place in the Bay of Bengal  [88e13, 18n25]  at the Last Quarter Moon  phase on 21 May 2014.  The Moon conjoins Neptune at the IC of a chart drawn for the epicentre.  
Poseidon, later adopted into Roman myth as Neptune, held the rulership of the oceans and the underwater tributaries of freshwater streams.  He was known as “Earthshaker”.  The striking of the earth with his trident, caused the earth to shudder climactically, resulting in the tsunami that we know today. Poseidon mated with Medusa - the only mortal gorgon – and she gave birth to their child, the winged horse Pegasus. [2]

Apart from the fact that Neptune in the mundane fourth house indicates earthquakes [3], Neptune [7pi30] and the IC [10pi49] are conjunct the star kappa Pegasi,[9pi08] in the the Flying Horse’s forefoot. It is said of Pegasus that  earthquakes took place when he stomped his feet.
