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Bullied blind woman stands up to abuse

A blind woman who was regularly sworn at by bullies and nearly mugged took to wearing a body camera so police could identify the culprits. Siobhan Meade, 30, said the weekly abuse she suffered relating to her disability "nearly destroyed" her life. She handed camera footage to police, who spoke to the perpetrators, and the abuse she had suffered in Stevenage, Hertfordshire, stopped. BBC, May 8

Shown here is the chart for the  current cardinal ingress of the Sun into sidereal Aries. It is obviously very prominent for Stevenage since a Grand Cross straddles the meridian axis.  Among other things the Uranus-Pluto square is about brave and courageous individuals (Uranus in Aries) standing up to social prejudices (Pluto in Capricorn). Uranus and Mercury [13ar] are conjunct the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda [14ar29], in the head of the princess so that Diana Rosenberg links this star to “blindness and eye or head injuries”.  

The Ascendant [17sa38] of the figure is conjunct Ras Algethi [16sa20], alpha Herculis, in Hercules’ head and so linked to “eye problems”.  Hercules with his club is not always a hero but sometimes just  a bully so that Diana Rosenberg associates this area with “committing or suffering unprovoked aggression” and “sneak attacks”.

Jupiter [12cn] conjoins stars of Auriga and the Twins. There can be a “mean streak” (Auriga’s whip hand is here) and some suffer periods of pessimism and depression but  with the stars  of the daring Twins here there are many  who are willing to fight their way up from a downtrodden position as in this case here.

Progressing the ingress chart by the PSSR method brings the horizon axis in alignment with the Grand Cross triggering the news report above where we see all the elements discussed here come together.

Quite often, as we will see in this example too, the New Moon and its phases also add to the story. Here the April 29 New Moon which  was also a Solar Eclipse [8ta52] fell not only  square the meridian [8aq04] at Stevenage but was conjunct the asteroid Toro  [9ta44] which is associated with “bullies” or “bullying”. All subsequent phases of a New Moon are always linked to the central theme of the New Moon. Here the chart for First Quarter phase of May 7, under which this news report was filed, has the  same Grand Cross,  whose stars were discussed above, on the horizon axis!
