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EU grants right to purge the past at Scorpio Full Moon

Just three days after the European Union’s high court ruled that citizens have the “right to be forgotten” from search engine results, Europeans are already lining up to get unsavory bits of their history scrubbed from Google’s servers. The tech giant is scrambling to come up with a mechanism to handle the flood of requests and could face new financial costs because of the ruling.

Shown here is the chart for the Scorpio Full Moon of May 14 at Brussels when the EU’s high court ruling was delivered.

Scorpio rules the process of elimination of all that has served its purpose followed by the generation of a completely new chapter in life. There are various creatures associated with this sign, one of which is the serpent which renews and regenerates itself by shedding its old skins on a regular basis.

With the Full Moon in Scorpio conjunct Saturn and  significantly placed on the horizon axis at Brussels, it is no surprise that the European Courts have ruled in favour of citizens who wish to have their past purged from the internet.
