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Indian Elections and the May Full Moon

The Full Moon [23sc55] occurs on May 15, a few degrees past retrograde Saturn [19sc43]  highlighting the Saturn synod (Sun-Saturn opposition) that  occurs on May 10, in the midst of Saturn's retrograde, initiating a new 378-day Saturn Synodic Cycle. This particular cycle is extra significant because Saturn is near its exalted location in the ecliptic and it involves two principal Saturn-related stars –  Zubenelgenubi [15sc17] and Zubeneschamali [19sc35] (Alpha and Beta Libra) that form the balance or scales of Libra.

Zubenelgenubi / Zubeneschamali: Zubenelgenubi, the southern claw of the Scorpion is the karmic seat for humanity; also Saturn's exalted location; the life scenario we have established, our established patterns. Zubeneschamali is the dharmic seat, reveals our need to resolve, to balance our past experience. Success in doing so results in equipoise and harmony from which solution is realized.

Think of  a repetitive karmic pattern as in going round in circles and then at some time being released from this pattern by moving into a spiral.

This is the essence of this new Saturn synodic cycle—our responsibility to change our patterns of the past by deliberately choosing to do things differently, to choose a new road forward. With Saturn conjunct Zubeneschamali – the dharmic seat – there  is both potential and hope that this will help us to choose a path out of past patterns of behaviour.

The Full Moon [23sc55] is conjunct the star Unukalhai , alpha Serpens [22sc17]

Unukalhai, neck of the Serpent: The Serpent, held in the hands of Ophiuchus, reaches from the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis), which lies above the Scorpion's Chelae--Unukalhai is emblematic of claiming self-empowerment while in the Chelae. The Northern Crown articulates the opportunity to claim the experiential wisdom from the cycle of soul growth. [1]

Since the Full Moon and Saturn  are both placed significantly square the horizon axis at Delhi on May 15, 2014 – just a day before election results – we can expect that the central issues and challenges outlined above will be active on  that day. Will India choose to come out of the “karmic”  patterns of the past?  These challenges were outlined in other posts. [2][3]

[2] Indian Elections: Opening the Gates of Change
[3] On why Eclipse Saros 16 N affects Indian Elections
