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Lessons from the death of a Chinese school girl

A Chinese father has beaten his 11-year-old daughter to death for copying her homework. Police in Hangzhou, a metropolis in the eastern Zhejiang province, said the man, identified as Zhang, went berserk after he found out the girl had cheated numerous times at school, copying her home assignments from a classmate. Corporal punishment as an educational method is still widely used by parents and teachers in China, particularly in the rural south. Children also face huge parental pressure over their school results, as competition is fierce in the country of 1.3 billion people. A 13-year-old boy in Jiangsu province recently hanged himself because he was not able to complete his homework, the China Daily reported [1]. May 21; IB Times

Here is an extract from the previous which applies here too.

The station Mars has activated the violent Grand Cross involving Mars-Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto which is placed very significantly on the horizon axis. As Mars separates out of this celestial formation, it signals what might be best understood as the “tension release phase” of a Grand Cross, a phase that brings “things”—in all those places of tumult and turmoil to a head.

In the chart for the Last Quarter Moon (May 21) at Hangzhou notice that the Sun in Gemini (schools and children) is anchored to the violent Grand Cross which in turn  straddles the meridian axis”. So it shouldn’t be a surprise to see the tension being released on children.

For a better understanding of the underlying dynamics the phases of the Moon should also be referred back to the New Moon. The current New Moon is the start of a very rare event, the compounded Mars, Ceres and Vesta synodic cycles, which will express over many years to follow. The key phrases for Ceres and Vesta as provided by Martha Wescott are:

CERES: The need for nurturing; food; the relationship between mother/ parent & child
VESTA: Commitment to work; using work as a compensation; dedication to accomplishment or goals; emotional distancing; hard work and career demands; impersonal; sublimation of other interests into the career or vocation; sacrifice/denial of self (by others/self) for a greater goal.

In the “tension release” phase of the Grand Cross, Mars, Ceres and Vesta go direct in turns in the last week of May as the table below shows.

               |           Mars|          Vesta|          Ceres|
    Date Time  |           Long|           Long|           Long|
20140428 000000|   12 Lib 12 Rx|   19 Lib 57 Rx|   22 Lib 22 Rx|
20140501 000000|   11 Lib 24 Rx|   19 Lib 19 Rx|   21 Lib 47 Rx|
20140504 000000|   10 Lib 43 Rx|   18 Lib 44 Rx|   21 Lib 13 Rx|
20140507 000000|   10 Lib 08 Rx|   18 Lib 12 Rx|   20 Lib 42 Rx|
20140510 000000|    9 Lib 41 Rx|   17 Lib 44 Rx|   20 Lib 15 Rx|
20140513 000000|    9 Lib 20 Rx|   17 Lib 20 Rx|   19 Lib 50 Rx|
20140516 000000|    9 Lib 07 Rx|   17 Lib 00 Rx|   19 Lib 28 Rx|
20140519 000000|    9 Lib 01 Rx|   16 Lib 44 Rx|   19 Lib 10 Rx|
20140522 000000|    9 Lib 02   |   16 Lib 33 Rx|   18 Lib 55 Rx|
20140525 000000|    9 Lib 10   |   16 Lib 27 Rx|   18 Lib 44 Rx|
20140528 000000|    9 Lib 25   |   16 Lib 24   |   18 Lib 36 Rx|
20140531 000000|    9 Lib 45   |   16 Lib 27   |   18 Lib 32 Rx|
20140603 000000|   10 Lib 12   |   16 Lib 34   |   18 Lib 32   |

As they turn  direct, we are impelled to ask the following questions:

How do we balance dedication to accomplishments or work  with true caring and nurturance for our children as well as ourselves?
Is corporal punishment of children justified?

In this context we must not forget that the liberal use of the “rod” can  spoil the most beautiful aspect of a child’s nature: the quality of trust. This kind of spoiling is even worse than giving a child free rein to indulge his every whim. For although the world will show him soon enough its massive indifference to his whims, without trust in life the child will grow up to be cynical. People who trust, and who especially trust in the power of love, can cope far better with life’s setbacks than those who have been schooled by punishment.
