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Astro-Meteorology of the Brazil floods

Flooding Rivers – Chinese painting

Flooding had killed 10 people in southern Brazil's Parana state by Wednesday, and state officials declared an emergency in 130 cities including World Cup host Curitiba and popular tourist attraction Iguazu Falls. Torrential rainfall started on Saturday in the state bordering Paraguay and Argentina, but the sun was shining in most regions by Wednesday, according to Curitiba-based climate institute Simepar.

Shown here is the chart for the current New Moon [7ge21] at Curtiba. The New Moon was conjunct the stars of the constellation Hyades historically connected with “torrential rain” [1].

The Hyades were the seven daughter of Atlas and Aethra, half sisters of the Pleiades, The Roman poet Ovid (43BC -17AD) records that the sisters were grief-stricken at the death of their brother Hyas and their tears fall on us as rain.

In addition, the New Moon [7ge21]  is square Neptune [7pi33] and both form hard aspects to Jupiter and the MC.

Neptune is conjunct the star Fomalhaut [4pi03] in the constellation of the Southern Fish. This is an important, first magnitude star, the 17th brightest star in the sky and the most southerly star visible at 50°N. Fomalhaut, (from the Arabic Fum al Hut, 'the Fish's mouth'). The area in which it lies has an heavy emphasis upon constellations with watery imagery, the goat-fish (Capricorn), the whale (Cetus), the water-pourer (Aquarius), the fishes (Pisces), and the dolphin (Delphinus) all located nearby, obviously earmarking this region as one that related to the rainy season of the ancient year, by which many of its stars are associated with floods or troubles at sea. The Southern Fish is usually depicted on star maps at the feet of Aquarius, where it swallows up the water poured from his urn .[2]

Jupiter [19cn45] and the MC [25cn05] form part of the Chinese asterism Pe-Ho, the Northern River and Nan-Ho, the Southern River. The MC is also conjunct a tiny star just above Nan-Ho in Canis Minor that was part of the asterism Choui-Wei, the Situation of the Waters, which governed the overflowing of rivers. The Chinese astrologers  said that if this asterism was clear and tranquil, it was a good omen, but if it faded or seemed to drift and combine with the Milky Way, the rivers of the empire would overflow and flood the land. [3]

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.242)

[3] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.703)
