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Berlin House of One: Church-mosque-synagogue

It has been dubbed the "Wonder of Berlin". And if a Protestant pastor, a rabbi and an imam can realise their shared dream, the world's first house of prayer for three religions will open its doors in the German capital in four years' time, with the building costs being paid for by donations.

The unique project is called the "House of One", and its aim is to provide a place of worship and contemplation for adherents of the world's three main monotheistic faiths, although the building will also be open to all. It will house a church, a synagogue and a mosque under one roof. The Independent; June 8, 2014

Here we will look at the charts of the First Quarter Moon (June 5) and the Full Moon (June 13) at Berlin to see how together they contain the possibility of this wonderful news.

In the chart for the First Quarter Moon, the Sun [15ge]  lies in sidereal Taurus. It lies over Orion and conjoins supergiant Rigel of Orion. Sidereal Taurus is of earthy and material matters: of building and construction [1].

Rigel of Orion inspires enterprising entrepreneurial action in a grand way. Orions in general are known for their architectural capacity. Prominent alignments with Rigel (and Bellatrix) bring the capacity to embody, direct and execute large, extravagant and grandiose projects. [1]

On the MC [9sc39] is the TNP Poseidon [10sc33] forming a semisquare aspect to TNP Cupido [2]. The TNP Cupido stands for groups such as a community as well as houses while Poseidon [2] stands for religion so that if we combine the two we have “a house of religion” or even a “a community of religions”

Once we recognize that Venus is a planet associated with compromises as opposed to Mars that is related to war, it becomes easier to understand why Venus on the IC (fourth cusp related to houses) opposite Poseidon (religion) on the MC is also leading to this wonderful idea of sharing a house of worship.

The second chart presented here is that of the Full Moon [22sa06] that was conjunct Cupido [23sa15] which in turn is semisquare Poseidon [10sc30] once again highlighting the same issue as the First Quarter Moon. But in addition here we have Neptune [7pi36] on the MC in sesqisquare aspect to Jupiter [22cn49].

Jupiter-Neptune is a combination known for unrealistic expectations. And yet sometimes people  need to envision a better future; some "illusions" are useful; if you  "imitate" a positive behavior or attitude, it can help you to BECOME  THAT quality to which you aspire.

Jupiter [22cn49] is conjunct stars of the twins Castor and Pollux. While joined at the waist, they are often depicted fighting each other.

About the stars that form the backdrop to Neptune, Diana Rosenberg writes:

The bequest of wings conferred by Pegasus and Cygnus brings forth intense passionate romantics longing to fly away to a better place. They search for ideas of utopian communities, ideal forms of human relationships and an ideal way of life.
Here the great Urn of Aquarius, with its eternally-flowing, all-forgiving waters of heaven, purifies and cleanses all sins.

So what is bringing about these changes? Notice the Grand Cross on the horizon axis. In the most positive expression, Uranus-Pluto is about collapse of an old order or way of thinking and the beginning of a new one.
