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Black hole dynamics: A symbolic viewpoint

Andromeda being freed by Perseus

A new study of supermassive black holes at the centers of galaxies has found magnetic fields play an impressive role in the systems' dynamics. In fact, in dozens of black holes surveyed, the magnetic field strength matched the force produced by the black holes' powerful gravitational pull, says a team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) in Bonn, Germany. The findings are published in this week's issue of Nature.

Models suggested a black hole could sustain a magnetic field that was as strong as its gravity. With the two forces balancing out, a cloud of gas caught on top of the magnetic field would be spared the pull of gravity and instead levitate in place. 

I would like to start this blog with a little digression  and  request my readers to go back to the  mythical story of the chained Princess Andromeda presented so well by Nick Fiorenza [1]. The sea monster Cetus is akin to a large black hole and represents the powerful depth of human unconsciousness that is forever waiting to devour us. Freedom for the Princess  and all of us as individuals requires the development of a consciousness  that helps to break free from the human mold, from the genetic, cultural, and personal pattering forming our lives.

To understand the symbolic significance of this discovery about black holes let us go back to the ancient saying: "As above, so below"

This phrase comes from the beginning of The Emerald Tablet and embraces the entire system of traditional and modern magic which was inscribed upon the tablet in cryptic wording by Hermes Trismegistus. The significance of this phrase is that it is believed to hold the key to all mysteries. All systems of magic are claimed to function by this formula. "'That which is above is the same as that which is below'...Macrocosmos is the same as microcosmos". What we are seeing as a discovery about the nature of a black hole is also happening symbolically  inside human consciousness right now.

A powerful symbol like this one  not only opens up dimensions and elements of reality which otherwise would remain unapproachable but also unlocks dimensions and elements of our soul which correspond to the dimensions and elements of reality. Simply put the discovery means that we are at a stage where we can free ourselves from the jaws of Cetus – the monster of unconsciousness.

As is always the case, here too there is an  astrological indicator for this discovery.  Shown here is the chart for the last solar eclipse of April 28, 2014 at Berkeley. Notice how powerfully the Cardinal Grand Cross straddles the meridian axis with the eclipse anchored to elements of the Cross.

While it is well known that Uranus-Pluto is connected with scientific breakthroughs, it is the  symbolic meaning of the signs Aries-Capricorn  occupied by Uranus-Pluto that are very meaningful in our context. Aries can be thought of as a young person leaving home while Capricorn can be associated with authority figures or rules and regulation that he leaves behind.  So that the square  is about freedom and individualism disconnected from cultural values [2]. (escaping the black hole!)

Further, we find Mars [11li] on the MC [9li] of the chart.  Diana Rosenberg writing about the stars in this area says:

Sails, sky and wings! Here stars of the Virgin’s wing, the Crow’s wing and China’s Great Red Bird combine with tropical Libra’s element of air and the Virgin’s realm of discerning intellect to bring forth gifted explorers of nature.

Owing to the presence of the sail, sky and wings in this area  she mentions that there are “air and space events” too and gives the following examples:

This was Sun and Jupiter  in 1957 when the USSR launched the Sputnik, the first artificial Earth satellite and the Moon at the moment the first human set foot on it in 1969. Even those who do not fly are drawn to the sky and light: there are chart elements here of the 17th century experimental physicist Robert Hooke, the first to build a reflecting Gregorian telescope; 17th – 18th century mathematician astronomer Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh, builder of yantras, massive stone instruments for analysing the heavens; 19th century industrialist/ manufacturer  of optical instruments Carl Zeiss etc.

So what is it that is activating the eclipse now? Well for one thing, Mars which was retrograde at 11 Libra is returning to its position on the MC in direct motion activating the Uranus-Pluto Grand Cross and giving us some new scientific breakthroughs in our understanding of black hole dynamics.
