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Hiker, rescuer die at Washington state waterfall

A 25-year-old hiker and a 61-year-old volunteer who tried to rescue him fell to their deaths late Saturday (June 28) at a waterfall in western Washington state.

Officials said that the hiker was part of a group of four walking down a logging road when he and a companion decided to hike to Pilchuck Falls near Lake Cavanaugh, approximately 35 miles northeast of Seattle.

Mars has been in Libra since December 7 and leaves Libra on July 25. During this period it was retrograde between March 1 and  May 19 and formed a sharp Grand Cross with Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto on April 22-23. Moving forward from May 20,  it is still within close reach of the Uranus/Pluto square and creates significant events in those places where the now dissolving T-square is caught on the angles in important mundane charts as at the June 27 New Moon at Lake Cavanaugh. It is important to remember that angles have a wide orb of influence and can pull together aspects that appear to be forming or separating.

The chart for the New Moon is shown here. Mars opposite Uranus on the horizon axis is a combination well known for accidents. The New Moon [5cn37] fell sharply on the IC [5cn] conjunct Tejat, mu Geminorum of the Twins and kappa Auriga,  of the Charioteer. The Twins (and tropical Cancer) are connected to feelings of  inter-relatedness of all humankind while Auriga, the Charioteer is a man in a hurry so that Diana Rosenberg includes here “accidents often due to carelessness, heedlessness, overconfidence or neglect”.

With the main theme out of the way, let us look at some details provided by other planets and their stars. Neptune [7pi31] which forms an  trine to the New Moon [5cn37] is conjunct Sadalachbia, gamma Aquarii, [6pi53] in the Water Pourer’s Urn with its eternally-flowing waters (the waterfall?). Venus [4ge32] which is quincunx the MC is conjunct Menkib, xi Persei,[5ge10] a star of Perseus also known as the rescuer.
