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Hyades New Moon and the Pune incident

Police in India say they have arrested 17 members of a hardline Hindu group after a Muslim man was beaten to death in the western city of Pune. Mohsin Sadiq Shaikh, 28, was stopped by a group of men on Monday (June 2) night and beaten with rods and sticks. The attackers were angry over some "distorted" images of the 17th Century warrior king Shivaji and late Shiv Sena party leader Bal Thackeray on Facebook. Officials say he was innocent and simply got up caught in clashes. BBC

Shown here is the chart for the May 29 New Moon  at Pune. It is obviously significant for Pune since it is placed  on the IC. The New Moon  is also square Neptune and conjunct the stars of Hyades i.e. gamma (γ) Taurus, Prima Hyadum, the chief star of the Hyades and six stars situated on the face of the Bull [1].

The astrological influence of the Hyades is well documented by the Roman astrologer Manilius:

"The Hyades are a stormy star group and was regarded as a separate constellation. Those born at this time take no pleasure in tranquillity and set no store by a life of inaction; rather they yearn for crowds and mobs and civil disorders. Sedition and uproar delight them; they long for the Gracchi to harangue from the platform, for a secession to the Sacred Mount, leaving but a handful of citizens at Rome; they welcome fights which break the peace and provide sustenance for fears. [Astronomica, Manilius, 1st century AD, book 5, p.308-311].

Diana Rosenberg writing about the stars that conjoin Neptune [7pi] states:

There is an involvement with the primitive in both the best and worst sense: a love of ancient knowledge, traditions and deep sources of their national, racial or tribal inheritance, but at the same time a potential for primal aggression and a belief that “might makes right”. She goes on to list “riots, brutal attacks, expressions of race and religious prejudice” among possible manifestations of these stars.

On the MC [2sa13] is the star Kajam [1sa47]. Omega (ω) Hercules, Kajam, is a 4th-magnitude double star in the Club of Hercules [2].

"Hercules, the figure on bended knee and called by the Greek name of Engonasin, about whose origin no certainty prevails. Of this constellation is begotten the desertion, craftiness, and deceit characteristic of its children, and from it comes the thug who terrorizes the heart of the city…” [Manilius, Astronomica, 1st century, AD, p.353.]

Putting the above descriptions together, we get a good picture of the violent incident reported in the news.

