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Mercury station reveals secret state surveillance

Just a day after the first anniversary of Edward Snowden’s watershed surveillance leaks, Vodafone., the world’s second-largest mobile phone company, has announced that numerous government agencies have direct and open access to the conversations of its 381 million customers across the globe. Privacy advocates are calling it a “nightmare scenario.” TIME , June 6

The one big thing that is happening right now is that Mercury, the god of communication, is stationing to go retrograde  tomorrow  June 7 at 3cn10. On its own, it may not have been significant were it not for the fact that it conjoins the TNP Hades [2cn] thus triggering the Uranus-Pluto-Kronos-Hades-Jupiter T-square that straddles the meridian axis in the sidereal Capricorn Ingress chart at London – headquarters of Vodafone – from where the announcement was made.

With Uranus-Pluto square the challenge is to reconcile the differences between individual freedom and social order. Pluto in Capricorn reflects concentration of power and the will of institutions to control the culture. So that we have here  an archetypal clash: courageous actions of individuals on behalf of the people's liberties (Uranus in Aries) vs. an intensification/consolidation of power by institutional structures facing threats to their authority (Pluto in Capricorn).

Mercury [3cn10]  is conjunct the star Tejat Prior, eta Geminorum (3cn38). About this star Nick Fiorenza writes:

Tejat will bring out to be seen that which has been suppressed, oppressed, hidden, in the closet, but destined to be. Forces of the mortal world may indeed be out for our demise, but they are our worthy opponents, for they reflect the fears, hesitancies, and blockages within our selves to step through into our paths of fulfillment in the world. Tejat asks that us be willing to walk through the shadows of self to claim our power and place in the physical world.

Putting the pieces together we can understand the reason for the news.
