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The British Parliament Stops To Meditate

River flowing into the Universal Sea

DoYouYoga, May 28, 2014: When you think of the places where you’re likely to encounter mindfulness meditation—like a yoga studio or a temple or a serene health retreat—British Parliament is probably the last place you would think of. With a highly charged atmosphere that sometimes even erupts in shouting matches on the debate floor, it’s hard to imagine any kind of mindful practice taking place in Westminster.

But last week, the British Parliament launched an all-party group given the task of exploring the uses of mindfulness meditation in healthcare, education, and the criminal justice system.

The chart for the solar eclipse of April 29, 2014 at London shows that it is placed in the twelfth house. This  house in astrology is recognised to be connected with meditation [1]  as Kevin Burk [2] explains:

“The twelfth house is the meditation room . The twelfth house is opposite the sixth house, which contains the things we have to do in order to maintain a physical body. Well, the twelfth house contains things we have to do in order to maintain a soul and spiritual essence. The twelfth house is associated with prisons – and from a point of view of our eternal soul, being housed in a physical body is very much like being in a prison. ”

This eclipse was significant for London since it was not only square the meridian axis but also linked to the Grand Cross through powerful aspects. The twelfth house can have several negative connotations  including “self-undoing” and we have seen an example of that in the post on the Spanish King. But here the British Parliament must be congratulated for having risen to one of the highest potentials of  this house.

But it is  only when we progress the eclipse chart to May 28, the date of the news report, that we begin to see that the angles (the horizon axis) reached a conjunction with the powerful, all transformative Uranus-Pluto-Jupiter-Mars Grand Cross on that day and a few days before.  Also of note are the following elements of the chart:

The MC is conjunct the star Achernar  – a great first magnitude star in the far southern sky, marking the end of Eridanus, the River flowing into the Universal Sea.
This is perfect symbol for what is achieved through meditation. The mind no longer behaves as though it were different from the Universal Mind. After all  when a river meets the Sea, the river no longer remains a river. It becomes the Sea.

On the descendant conjunct Pluto is the star Nunki about which Nick Fiorenza writes:

Nunki is the star of the "Proclamation of the Sea"--referring to the greater flowing waters of our Milky Way galaxy--a ocean of Divine Love. Nunki lies on the vane of the arrow held in the archer's hand and provides the "universal flow"--a guiding and stabilizing force--used to ensure the Zen archer's arrow hits its target. "Universal flow" does not imply a process of abandonment to whatever happens, it means becoming attuned to the universal currents creating the movement toward our highest ideals and dreams. To be in universal flow is to actively participate in attunement to our souls' intents and purposes. Nunki asks us to get out of our own way--to let go and let God, as the saying goes--that is, to set the judgments and attitudes of lower human mind aside and ride the cosmic currents guiding us toward our evolutionary fulfillment.

Finally conjunct Uranus is the star Alpheratz, alpha Andromeda – a star that is depicted in Andromeda’s head as well as in the navel of the Winged Horse, Pegasus symbolically representing how a powerful mind can free the “chained” Woman!

[2] Astrology: Understanding the Birth Chart by Kevin Burk
