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The return of the London-Scotland sleeper train

Across Europe, sleeper trains seem more and more of a quaint anachronism, but the UK is overhauling an old and famous overnight route, writes Adrian Quine. The overnight sleepers running between London and Scotland, are about to get a much needed facelift. The Scottish Government announced this week it is jointly funding a £100m investment in new trains that promise a four-class service with a bar and bistro, sleeping pods, private cabins with beds, desks, wi-fi - even showers. Michelin-star chef Albert Roux is doing the catering.

Shown here is the last solar eclipse at London. Notice that the eclipse is  significant for the place since it is square the meridian axis and tied to the Grand Cross. It is  conjunct the stars of Cassiopeia – the luxury loving  Queen. At the micro level, the eclipse is  conjunct Mercury and the asteroid Phaethon (cars or trains). On the Ascendant [13ge] are the stars of Lepus – the speed loving hare and dim stars of Auriga – the charioteer. All these point towards a luxury fast moving vehicle.

Progressing the eclipse chart to June 1, 2014 brings the Grand Cross to  the angles. Since Pluto is associated with  rebirth,  Uranus with  technology while Jupiter in Cancer is about pleasant (Jupiter) past memories (Cancer) is it any surprise to see the past resurrected?
