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Two buildings collapse in India

The death toll in India in two building collapses in different cities climbed to at least 11, with more victims trapped in the rubble, Indian officials confirmed Saturday (June 28). A crumbling and rundown four-story building in New Delhi toppled over Saturday morning. "Ten people, including five children and three women, died," Deputy Commissioner of Police Madhur Verma said. Two others were also injured, he added. The building was around 50 years old and housed several families. Rescue efforts were hampered by cranes in the area. Officials suspects construction work at an adjoining building could be to blame. A second building also collapsed Saturday in Tamil Nadu state. An 11-story structure under construction in the capital city of Chennai toppled over, killing at least one person.

The cardinal ingresses of the Sun have a traditional reputation as  important mundane events.  The progression of these charts mark out important days when significant events occur. Shown here are the  Cancer Ingress charts for Delhi and Madras progressed to June 28 when the building collapses occurred.  Notice that in both cases, Neptune reaches the IC of the charts *.

In mundane astrology, the fourth house (and the IC) is associated with buildings and houses in general and to their foundations in particular. Bil Tierney explains what happens under Neptune transits:

Neptune transits are very difficult to pinpoint in terms of possible end-results, partially due to the often vague and undefined nature of the planet itself. Neptune has a very gradual, somewhat seductive influence upon the planet or house it is transiting. It slowly dissolves and often erodes structures we have built for ourselves, especially defective ones.

Since Neptune is associated with illusions or a lack of realism while Jupiter is hope and optimism, it is not difficult to see why this combination is associated with false hopes.  Martha Wescott writes about this combination as follows:

People who built their castles on sand are  discovering that the tide has changed (and that piddly little bump is  where their fortress used to be.)

In a strange coincidence  Bil Tierney and Martha’s words appear to describe exactly what has happened to the two buildings in Delhi and Madras.

* In the ingress chart for Delhi, the progressed IC (4pi29)  is three degrees off the conjunction to Neptune (7pi34) but let us recall that the New Moon (5cn37) of June 27 and the Sun’s position (7cn)  on June 28 (the date of the accident) was trine both of them and therefore in a sense “translating light”.


The residential project ‘Trust Heights’, promoted by real estate developer Prime Sristi Housing Pvt. Ltd, had two 11-storey buildings under construction ‘The Faith’ and ‘The Belief’. According to Fire and Rescue service personnel, the ‘The Faith’ collapsed on an adjoining building. The Hindu

In any event there are layers upon layers of meaning. Exploring the realm beyond immediate appearances requires a refocusing of attention. In the  foregoing analysis on the ingress charts we did not pay attention to the fact that Neptune is trine the TNP Kronos. The keywords for Neptune and Kronos given by Martha Wescott Lang are:

NEPTUNE: Compassion, sympathy & empathy; victim-savior polarities; faith; hypersensitivity; vulnerability; trust issues; disillusionment; make-believe; unrealistic hopes; dream-life; desire to escape, cushion or beautify Reality; womb wish; attunement to Other Worlds.

KRONOS: Authoritative positions; questioning of competency; having differences of opinion; dealing with red tape, timing or jumping bureaucratic hoops; laws; police; legislators; the father; executives; governmental leaders; events through people in the public eye; measurements (especially of height;) rising, altitude, flights; overhead/above. Assessment of your own competency.

How strange that the residential project was called “Trust Heights”!
