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Upset at UN climate talks

Negotiators and campaigners have reacted angrily to the failure of many environment ministers to attend UN talks in Bonn. They say governments gave an undertaking last year to come here and update plans to cut emissions. But so far, around 50 ministers have turned up, with representatives from the UK, France and Brazil notably absent. Over 130 turned up in Warsaw for the last major talks session.

"Obviously as negotiators we are disappointed that ministers haven't turned up," said Ambassador Ronny Jumeau from the Seychelles.

Shown here is the current Cancer Ingress chart  (both tropical and sidereal) progressed to 6 – 8  June 2014, when the UN talks will be held in Bonn. Notice that each carries a Grand Trine in Water which becomes a “Kite” formation when we include Pluto.

The Water signs  symbolize groups and collectives of all forms, with a  unified ideology  for example a family or a culture or as in this case  a group of nations happy with a lie that  “global warming” is not real.

A Water trine can act as a “safe” moat, that surrounds and protects the group’s  emotional responses. But with Pluto opposing one of the legs of the Grand Trine this is a period when closed circuits and interior conspiracies are exposed, quickly. We know that secrets make one sick  especially  secrets in the national government/s and in the organizations that are meant to protect and support people. However, Pluto makes the masses of disenfranchised are righteously angry.

About Pluto’s position in sidereal Sagittarius, Nick Fiorenza writes:

The Sagittarian Centaur can pursue only the totality of his dreams, blatantly states his truth, and call a spade a spade. In shooting his arrow of Truth, the Zen Archer destroys that which must die, the false truths and false gods of fear that lie hidden within self. Pluto becomes an openner and revealer of a greater truth in sidereal Sagittarius. Pluto opens the way for this greater truth to emerge by dismantling the false beliefs and structures of consciousness that obscure it.

Some key phrases from Martha Wescott Lang for the combination of elements of the Grand Trine are given below:

Hades/Neptune: Issues related to poor water or air quality; lack of clarity  and intentional misrepresentation; to employ deceits to hide secrets (mistakes)

Kronos/Neptune: authorities are able to fool the people

Hades/Kronos: to note disgust with leaders

Hades/Saturn: delays that cause a situation to go downhill; to hear of long-term situations that are growing worse or in a state of decline
