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Dad in Hot-Car Death of a Child

The suburban Atlanta father accused of killing his toddler son by leaving him inside a hot SUV for hours  (on June 18) had been sending nude photographs to women the day his son died and had looked at websites that promoted a life without children, a detective testified Thursday. Justin Ross Harris, 33, of Marietta, who is charged with murder, was in an unhappy marriage and wanted a "child-free life," said Cobb County Det. Phil Stoddard. But defense attorney Maddox Kilgore said the lewd texting doesn't constitute evidence of his client's alleged wanton disregard for his son. "There's nothing per se nefarious about it in this context," Kilgore said, adding that there is no evidence showing that Harris knowingly left Cooper in the car seat. “An accident doesn't become a crime because the results were catastrophic,” he added

We will see in this post how the solar eclipse of April 29 explains the details connected with this unfortunate event. The eclipse [8ta52] was on the IC with Mercury [12ta] conjunct Phaethon (13ta) – the asteroid linked to cars with all of this square Lacrimosa [18le] – the asteroid connected with instances of death and grief.

On the MC is Saturn [20sc] conjunct sigma Corona Borealis [22sc] and stars of the Centaur (Agena)  and wild beast Lupus (Men,alpha Lupi).  Under the influences of Corona Borealis Aratus included “debaucheries and pleasures of the moment”.

Symbolically, the centaur is the anti-thesis of the knight; half man, half horse, it represents complete domination by baser influences, instincts, the unconscious uncontrolled by the spirit. The man-beast combination illustrates the conflict between man’s lower animal nature merged with his higher nature of human virtue and judgement. In Greek myths centaurs sometimes accompanied Dionysus (Bacchus) in his wild abandoned revels.  Finally Lupus the Wolf is a symbol evil and gluttony. The centaur is often shown with the wolf  impaled on a lance. In Christian art, animals impaled on lances often allude to vices that must be overcome; a lance exemplifies victory over evil, the divine wisdom that pierces ignorance.  This is what would ideally be the outcome. But more often that not, in this  area we come across instances where the animal nature overpowers human virtues as in our story above.

So what caused the incident? Progressing the eclipse chart to June 18 brings the Cardinal Grand Cross to the meridian axis. The prime mover in the Cross is the Uranus-Pluto square.

Tarnas associates Uranus-Pluto with “the unleashing of the elemental forces of nature in various senses”  and in this he includes “volcanoes and earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes, tsunamis and floods etc”. This is a  metaphor for what happens inside a human being. Pluto rules the dark side of human beings. Our lives are held in check by social programming – our training in goodness or normalcy. Under a Uranus contact with Pluto, the dark side is released sometimes with very unfortunate results as in this case. Notice also that the Mars leg of the Cross is conjunct the asteroids Ceres and Vesta.  This is a combination we saw in the previous post on Chinese parents abandoning their disabled children as representing some kind of  indifference towards children. That is exactly what is happening here too. Uranus [13ar] which is opposite Ceres-Vesta is conjunct the star Alderamin [13ar] of the constellation  Cepheus.  This star is often depicted as a father turning his face away and indifferent to his child’s plight!

Alderamin, the Alpha star of Cepheus, is the right shoulder of King Cepheus, father of  Princess Andromeda. With afflicted alignments, Alderamin can expresses as denial, avoidance, or turning one's head from dealing with the manipulative power plays causing our or other people's entrapment with a flippant attitude to do anything about them. [1]
