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India's Kerala state to ban alcohol

Bacchus -  the Greco-Roman God of Wine

Authorities in the southern Indian state of Kerala have outlined plans to ban the sale and consumption of alcohol to tackle the state's drink problem. The first phase of the ban would see more than 700 bars and as well as some shops selling alcohol shut down, with more alcohol-free days introduced. The government aims to enforce total prohibition in 10 years. BBC; August 22.

Kerala is a state in the south-west region of India on the Malabar coast. It was formed on 1 November 1956. The capital of Kerala is Trivandrum. In a chart drawn for the date of formation of the state we have Sun [9sc] conjunct the asteroid Bacchus [5sc] and the planet Neptune [0sc]. Bacchus was  the Greco-Roman God of Wine and Martha Wescott gives us the following keywords.

BACCHUS: Excess; addiction; intoxication.

So we know where the Kerala’s drinking problem is coming from. But what happened for the government to come down so harshly on the drinking problem. To understand this let us look at the chart for the last solar eclipse of April 29 at 9 Taurus exactly opposite Kerala’s radix Sun 9 Scorpio. The eclipse  itself was conjunct the asteroid Dionysus (Bacchus)  placed in the mundane tenth house opposite Saturn in the fourth. If we progress this chart to August 22, the date of the news we find that the Ascendant reaches the conjunction to Saturn in Scorpio on that date. 

For the stars conjunct Saturn, Diana Rosenerg writes:

There is a love of fine foods and wines. The Serpent of temptation and half beast Centaurus lure some into excessive self-indulgence. [1]

In Greek mythology the centaurs were descendants of Centaurus, a son of the music god Apollo. Most centaurs were governed by the bestial half of their double nature. Their behavior was uncouth, and a very small amount of wine drove them wild.

The following extract from Astrobarry [2] explains why Saturn in Scorpio puts limits on our passions.

Scorpio rules our deep and dark passions. Even if we are  in touch with our passions, and understand exactly which yearnings and motives drive our behaviors… we may  repeatedly struggle with how our unbridled emotional engagements seem to continually cause us problems. Just as repressing our emotions can flatten out our life-experience, so too can overindulging them prevent us from exploring other avenues of possibility due to our being too singularly-focused.

Saturn's basic astrological job is to promote maturity through deliberate discipline or restraint. He presents us with circumstances that call for a rightful response… which may not always be, in that very moment, what we are automatically moved to do. Saturn inspires us to make the often-harder choice to moderate or restrict a certain impulse, in order to further our progress in some other area. He also lays out repercussions when we don't make the rightful choice that supports our development. As 'lord of Karma', Saturn delivers what's due to us as the logical consequence of the actions we take—both our deserved success and any deserved confrontation with limits.

[1] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.2, p.217)
