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Brazil releases 'good' mosquitoes to fight dengue

Brazilian researchers in Rio de Janeiro have released thousands of mosquitoes infected with bacteria that suppress dengue fever. The hope is they will multiply, breed and become the majority of mosquitoes, thus reducing cases of the disease. BBC; Sep. 24;

This news comes to us at the New Moon of September 24. A chart for the New Moon at Rio de Janerio is shown here. Notice Jupiter on the Ascendant trine Uranus.

In her article entitled Jupiter/Uranus: Bright Ideas and Breakthroughs, Kelly Surtees wtites [1]:

Jupiter brings an expansive, open energy which complements Uranus’ inventive tone. As a pair, they have, throughout history, been linked to creative and scientific breakthroughs.

But here we find Jupiter [14le] is conjunct the medical asteroid Aesculapia [14le].

AESCULAPIA: Contact with physicians and belief-systems about the health, symptoms and medical conditions.
JUPITER: Good news

Both these are in hard aspect to the New Moon [1li] and Saturn [20sc].  In turn, Saturn is conjunct the stars alpha and beta Musca [20sc] – Southern Fly.

Anne Wright [2] informs us that:

This constellation should also represent the mosquito, a Spanish word, diminutive of mosca, 'fly', from Latin musca. Mosquitos are of the family Culicidae, the Latin word for mosquito (also called gnats) was culex:

“The gnat (culex) is named from 'sting' (aculeus) because it sucks blood, for it has a tube in its mouth, like a needle, with which it pierces the flesh so that it may drink the blood" [The Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, 6th century A.D., p.270.]

[1]Jupiter/Uranus: Bright Ideas and Breakthroughs
